Maurice Laban

Maurice Laban

Maurice Laban (born October 1914 at Biskra, died 5 June 1956 at Boudouane), a pied-noir, was a founding member of the Algerian Communist Party (PCA). In 1936, he joined the International Brigades to fight in the Spanish Civil War [1][2].

In the mid-1950s, he was a member of the Combattants de la Libération, the guerrilla group established by the PCA after the outbreak of the Algerian War[3]. Along with Henri Maillot, another European member of the guerrilla group, he was among those killed when an informer betrayed their position to a unit of the French Army[4][5]. The band were sighted near Lamartine, east of Orléansville, an area which had not previously contained guerillas. They were pursued and attacked outside the Muslim village of Boudouane; seven members of the group were killed, among them Laban and Maillot.


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