- Urriðafoss
Urriðafoss is a
waterfall located in the riverÞjórsá in southwestIceland .In the early days of power companies plans were to build a power plant in Urriðafoss and make a railway to Reykjavík from þthe waterfall. It did not happen but nowLandsvirkjun is planning to buildhydropower station s on the lower part of Þjórsár river, at Urriðafoss and Núpur.The proposed Urriðafoss Power Plant is expected to have a capacity of approximately 125 MW and a power-generating capacity of 930 GWh per year. The powerhouse will be underground and a tunnel leading from the powerhouse will open out into Þjórsá river below Urriðafoss waterfall. The waterfall is expected to disappear.
* [http://www.thjorsa.is/category.aspx?catID=48 Nýjar virkjanir í Þjórsá - English summary]
* [http://www.thjorsa.is/assets/myndir/URR/urridafoss_nov_07_960px.jpgMap of proposed power plant in Urriðafoss]
* [http://www.lv.is/files/2003_5_7_mau_nupur_urr_faults.pdf Faults and fractures of the South Iceland Seismic Zone near Þjórsá]
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