Partial volume

Partial volume

The partial volume effect occurs in medical imaging when a single voxel contains a mixture of multiple tissue values. A lower resolution increases this effect. The method to correct for the partial volume effect is referred to as partial volume correction.


* Cite journal
author = C. C. Meltzer, J. P. Leal, H. S. Mayberg, H. J. Wagner, J. J. Frost
title = Correction of PET data for partial-volume effects in human cerebral cortex by MR imaging
journal = J. Comput. Assist. Tomogr.
year = 1990
month = July-August
volume = 14
issue = 4
pages = 561–570
pmid = 2370355

* Cite journal
title = Measurement of radiotracer concentration in brain gray matter using positron emission tomography: MRI-based correction for partial volume effects
author = H. W. Müller-Gärtner, J. M. Links, J. L. Prince, R. N. Bryan, E. McVeigh, J. P. Leal, C. Davatzikos, J. J. Frost
journal = Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism
year = 1992
month = July
volume = 12
issue = 4
pages = 571–583
pmid = 1618936

* Cite journal
author = Olivier G. Rousset, Yilong Ma and Alan C. Evans
title = Correction for Partial Volume Effects in PET: Principle and Validation
journal = The Journal of Nuclear Medicine
volume = 39
issue = 5
pages = 904–911
url =

* Cite journal
title = Comparative Evaluation of MR-Based Partial-Volume Correction Schemes for PET
author = Carolyn Cidis Meltzer, Paul E. Kinahan, Phil J. Greer, Thomas E. Nichols, Claude Comtat, Michael N. Cantwell, Michael P. Lin and Julie C. Price
journal = The Journal of Nuclear Medicine
volume = 40
issue = 12
pages = 2053–2065
url =

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