

A macrographic image or a photomacrograph is an image taken at a scale that is visible to the naked eye, as opposed to a micrographic image. It is sometimes defined more precisely as an image at a scale of less then ten times magnification. [ [ Macrograph] EngNet Engineering Dictionary]

Materials science

This term is often applied to a three-dimensional image taken of a material using a low-power stereomicroscope. These images are used in materials science, particularly in the study of stress fractures in metals. [ [ Metallographic examinations] TEC Eurolab, Accessed 12 May 2008] cite journal | author = Milan, M.T. | coauthors = Spinelli, D.; Bose Filho, W.W.; Montezuma, M.F.V.; Tita, V. | year = 2004 | title = Failure analysis of a SAE 4340 steel locking bolt | journal = Engineering Failure Analysis | volume = 11 | issue = 6 | pages = 915-924 | url = | accessdate = 2008-05-12] This method can also be used to assay the fine structure of steel, in a standardized test called the Baumann method that creates a sulfur print showing the amount and distribution of sulfur inclusions through the metal structure. [Arthur J. McEvily (2001) [,M1 Metal Failures: Mechanisms, Analysis, Prevention] Wiley-IEEE p 90 ISBN 0471414360]

ee also

*Macro photography


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