Ten pen

Ten pen

The ten pen is a very versatile pen that has 10 different colours contained in the one easy to hold pen. At the top there are lever's corresponding to desired colours.Colours include black, blue, brown, green, orange, pink, purple, red, turquoise, and yellow although these may vary depending on the company the pen is made by.

Whilst these pens are a fantastic novelty and used with great gusto by "cool" primary school children the practicalities are an ever present down fall of this pen. The colours of black blue and red are consumed at a much higher rate than that of colours such as yellow. This may be due to the difficulty in reading words written in yellow ink on white paper and the ever pressing societal mainstream use of blue, black and red ink in day to day life. Another somewhat frustrating issue with the 10 pen is the size of the pen. While it is undoubtedly true that having so much colour in ones hand in its current size is convenient, it is much larger in diameter than a traditional pen.

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