20 GOTO 10

20 GOTO 10

20 GOTO 10 is an art gallery founded by Christopher Abad in San Francisco, CA. It caters not only to fine art, but to "hacker" art, with an emphasis on technology as art, or exhibits which make the potentially criminal or unethical aspects of computer security accessible to the public [McMillan, Robert (IDG News service) [http://www.itworld.com/Tech/2987/071030hackerart/ San Francisco gallery shows hacker Joe Grand's work as art] [http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/138991/san_francisco_gallery_shows_hackers_work_as_art.html 2] "PC World", "IT World". 30 Oct 2007.] [ [http://twentygoto10.com/nfo 20 goto 10 nfo] , 20 GOTO 10 website] .

It received more prominent vlog [Slutsky, Irena. [http://www.geekentertainment.tv/2008/01/21/ansi-art-for-the-masses/ ANSI Art for the Masses] "Geek Entertainment TV". 21 Jan 2008.] , blog [Johnson, Joel. [http://gadgets.boingboing.net/2008/01/28/ansi-art-show-at-20.html ANSI Art Show at 20 GOTO 10 Gallery] "Boing Boing". 28 Jan 2008.] [Wortham, Jenna. [http://blog.wired.com/underwire/2008/01/ansi-art-show-r.html ANSI Art Show Recalls Glory Days of MS-DOS] . "Wired blog network". 14 Jan 2008.] [Beale, Scott. [http://laughingsquid.com/ansi-art-gallery-show-at-20-goto-10/ ANSI Art Gallery Show at 20 Goto 10] . "Laughing Squid". 7 Jan 2008.] , and print news coverage [Lee, Ellen. [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/01/12/BUBFUD235.DTL Early computer-generated art revived for S.F. exhibit] . "San Francisco Chronicle". 12 Jan 2008.] when Kevin Olsen displayed the first ever American showing of ANSI art in a physical art gallery. Jason Scott, creator of the BBS Documentary expressed interest [Scott, Jason. [http://ascii.textfiles.com/archives/000544.html The ANSI Gallery] . "Textfiles.com". 5 Dec 2007.] in the custom LCD scrollers based on a Parallax chipset with a custom ANSI scroller to VGA output written in SPIN made solely for the ANSI gallery show [Olsen, Kevin (acidjazz). [http://ansi.notchill.com/article/5/lcd-scroller-board lcd scroller board] . ansi.notchill.com 17 Dec 2007.] .

External links

* [http://twentygoto10.com/ 20 GOTO 10 website]


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  • GOTO — o GO TO (ir a en inglés) es una instrucción muy común en los lenguajes de programación con el objetivo de controlar el flujo del programa. El efecto de su versión más simple es transferir sin condiciones la ejecución del programa a la etiqueta o… …   Wikipedia Español

  • GOTO — (англ. go to  «перейти к»)  в некоторых языках программирования  оператор безусловного перехода (перехода к определённой точке программы, обозначенной номером строки либо меткой). В более широком смысле, под «GOTO»… …   Википедия

  • Goto — is a statement found in many computer programming languages. It is a combination of the English words and . When executed it causes an unconditional transfer of control (a jump ) to another statement. The jumped to statement is specified using… …   Wikipedia

  • Goto (disambiguation) — Goto may mean:*Goto, or go to , a branching construct in programming languages *Gotō, Nagasaki, a city in Japan *GoTo (telescopes), a technology used to automatically aim a telescope at astronomical objects without human intervention *G0 T0,… …   Wikipedia

  • goto — (от англ. go to  «перейти к»)  оператор безусловного перехода (перехода к определённой точке программы, обозначенной номером строки либо меткой) в некоторых языках программирования. В некоторых языках оператор безусловного перехода …   Википедия

  • GOTO — L instruction goto (de l anglais go to, en français aller à) est une instruction présente dans de nombreux langages de programmation. Elle est utilisée pour réaliser des sauts inconditionnels dans un programme. L exécution est renvoyée vers une… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Goto Shimpei — Gotō Shimpei Gotō Shimpei (jap. 後藤 新平; * 24. Juli 1857 (jap. Kalender: 4. Tag, 6. Monat, 4. Jahr Ansei) in Shiogama, Isawa gun, Provinz Mutsu (heute: Mizusawa ku, Ōshū, Präfektur Iwate; † 13. April 1929 in …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Gotō Shinpei — Gotō Shimpei Gotō Shimpei (jap. 後藤 新平; * 24. Juli 1857 (jap. Kalender: 4. Tag, 6. Monat, 4. Jahr Ansei) in Shiogama, Isawa gun, Provinz Mutsu (heute: Mizusawa ku, Ōshū, Präfektur Iwate; † 13. April 1929 in …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gotō, Nagasaki — Gotō 五島市   City   Location of Gotō in Nagasaki …   Wikipedia

  • Gotō — Goto steht für: Sprunganweisung, einen Sprung in der Programmierung Goto (Teleskop), eine Vorrichtung an Teleskopen Verein der Künste Hauptsitz in Österreich Gotō (五島) steht außerdem für: Gotō Inseln, eine Inselgruppe in der japanischen Präfektur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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