- Followers of Set
notable=May 2008
in-universe=May 2008
primarysources=May 2008WoD vampireThe Followers of Set or Setites are afiction al clan of vampires (also known as the "Snake Clan" or the "Serpents") from White Wolf Game Studio'sbook s androle-playing game s set in theWorld of Darkness (' and ').cite book| author = Achilli, Justin; Bates, Andrew; Brucato, Phil; Dansky, Richard E.; Hall, Ed; Hatch, Robert; Lee, Michael B. | title = (Revised Edition) | publisher =White Wolf, Inc. | year = 1998| id = ISBN-10: 1565042492]Description
The mythic-historical origins of the Followers of Set are in
ancient Egypt , as they claim to be descended from the darkgod Set (who is also identified withTyphon ) rather than Caine, the father of all vampires. The Setites see themselves as having a divine mandate to revive their Antediluvian, Set, in order to create an era of "paradise" for vampires and they are willing to work towards this goal in any way possible without drawing attention to themselves. Due to this connection to Set, all Setites see things a little differently than other vampires. Therefore, unlike most vampires in the modern setting, the Setites are associated with neither the Camarilla nor the Sabbat. The Followers of Set are generally found nearCairo , in sub-SaharanAfrica ,India , and theCaribbean though they travel worldwide in their search for knowledge to help them find and revive Set.The Setites are known as keepers of secrets, particularly those of a thaumaturgical nature. Indeed, the Followers of Set tend to know anything anyone needs to know or can find it for them - for a price. Many vampires warn each other never to trust a Setite, as Followers of Set do not follow the Path of Humanity like most other vampires. Instead they have their own Path of Enlightenment, known as the Path of Typhon, which exalts, amongst other things, the corruption of others. Many who are snared by the Followers of Set do not realize the danger until it's too late and are either forced to become followers of Set themselves or become dangerously indebted to them.
In "Clanbook: Followers of Set", it is revealed that the Setites orchestrated the
Inquisition and undermined theAnarch Revolt so that European vampires and humans would remain fragmented and fighting among themselves, and thus neutralized as a threat to the Followers of Set. These two conflicts were turning points in the fictional history of theWorld of Darkness .cite book| author = Shomshak, Dean | title = Clanbook: Followers of Set (Revised Edition) | publisher =White Wolf, Inc. | year = 2001 | id = ISBN 1-58846-204-8]In "Gehenna", the final "Vampire: The Masquerade" sourcebook, it is revealed, that if and when Followers of Set try to perform the Great Ritual at
Ombos necessary to open a gate to "Duat ", the Egyptian realm of dead, so that Set can incarnate himself and live again; it is predestined that Set will instead impose on all Setites a powerful compulsion to join him in the "Duat" by committingmass suicide . The predominantJudeo-Christian myth established for the world of "Vampire" made the end of the Setites not only inevitable but the ultimate example ofpoetic justice .cite book| author = Shomshak, Dean | title = Gehenna | publisher =White Wolf, Inc. | year = 2004| id = ISBN 1-58846-855-0]Clan Disciplines
* Obfuscate: The ability to become "
invisible " by manipulating the minds of those who would otherwise see the person.
* Presence: The ability to become extremely charismatic.
* Serpentis: Which grants the wielder a number of powers based on the abilities of differentserpent s.Weaknesses
Even when compared to other vampires, the Setites are especially pained by
sunlight having it deal more damage to them faster than for any other kind of vampire. According to Setite lore, Set was cast from his family to become a vampire by thesun god Ra for his hand in killing thefertility god Osiris and Ra's hate is what causes the sunlight to burn Set and all his children more than all other Kindred. TheChildren of Osiris are a clan of humanitarian vampires who are relentlessly opposed to the Followers of Set because of the eternal rivalry between their respective patriarchs.Bloodlines
Serpents of the Light.The Serpents of the Light, nicknamed the "Cobras", is an
antitribu sect of Followers of Set. They began as a rogue cult of Setites who moved toHaiti to studyvodou and how itsmysticism could be used to its undead advantage. Because the Serpents eventually rejected Set as a false god and chose to ally themselves with the Sabbat in the 1960s, they have earned the enmity of the Followers of Set, and vice versa.Children of Damballah.A West African offshoot of the main clan, the Damballans are centered in the area of
Nigeria andBenin , with their founding temple in Oyo, the one-time capital of the old Yoruba Kingdom. They worship Damballah-Wedo, the Yoruban snake-god, and his wife Aida-Wedo, the rainbow serpent. Very few elder members remember or know of Set and their Egyptian relations. They attribute their supernatural powers to Damballah-Wedo and Aida-Wedo, and its members are promised that eventually they will become gods themselves. At one point in the early 20th century, the main clan tried to bring this bloodline back within its ranks, but the Children of Damballah refused, and they have been separated since.Daitya.The Daitya name themselves after the Indian demons of the same name. They are one of the most prevalent and powerful groups of vampires in
India , as they combine the aspects of both clan andcaste . The Daitya are a form ofBrahmin caste. Accordingly, they fill the role of priest-magicians that help the gods maintain cosmic and social order. Daityans worship Shiva, and they also claim leadership of all vampires who worship Shiva as well. They tend to focus more on mental and social traits, as per their status of priest-magicians.Priory of the Black Magdalene. The Church of the Black Magdalene is a Cainite heretical cult which renamed itself the Priory of the Black Magdalene in the 17th century. The Priory claims to guard the descendants of Christ and preserve the bloodline through
selective breeding . They are said to have an underground cathedral below the French city ofMarseille .References
* [http://www.jcmrpgart.blogspot.com/ Vampire NPC gallery] NPC (non-player character) gallery with examples of Setite characters
* [http://www.mants-lair.org.uk/Vampire/Setites.pdf Luke Slater's Settite Book- PDF file] An in depth webbook explaining in detail the Followers of Set.
* [http://www.sanguinus.com/cl0030.shtml The Followers of Set- a View from Without] An In-character look at the Followers of Set as seen by most other vampire clans.
* [http://www.sanguinus.com/cl0029.shtml The Followers of Set- A View from Within] An In-Character look at how most Followers of Set see themselves.
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