Reo Fortune

Reo Fortune

Reo Franklin Fortune (1903–1979) was a New Zealand social anthropologist, lecturer in social anthropology at the Cambridge University, specialist in Melanesian language and culture. [cite web|url=|title=EBSCOhost Connection: `Being Honest to my Science': Reo Fortune and J.H.P. Murray, 1927-30(n1).||accessdate=2008-04-19|last=|first=] He originally trained as a psychologist. He was married to Margaret Mead, with whom he undertook field studies in New Guinea, from 1928 to 1935. [cite book |title=The Chosen Primate: Human Nature and Cultural Diversity |last=Adam |first=Kuper |year=1994 |publisher=Harvard University Press |isbn=0674128265 |pages=pp. 186-189 |url=,M1 ] He is also known for his contribution to mathematics with Fortunate number theory. [cite web |url= |title=Fortunate number |accessdate=2008-04-19 |work=The Prime Glossary ]


Further reading

"Reo FORTUNE (1903-1979)", "Canberra Anthropology" 3:105-108.

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