Ask BigNews

Ask BigNews

Ask BigNews is an automated internet-based news aggregator and search engine provided by on February 6th, 2008. News are retrieved from more than 10.000 sourcescite web|url=|title=About BigNews|accessdate=2008-04-02] and automatically grouped into "stories"; for each story a "BigPicture" page is produced, offering an overall view of all pertaining elements (news articles, blog posts, images, videos and diggs), following an integrated approach similar to the one adopted since June 2007 by Ask's web search. [cite web|url=|title=Major Relaunch For Ask: Ask3D|accessdate=2008-04-03]

The system recognizes and keeps track of the evolution of each story, allowing users to "go back in time" (up to 30 days in the past) or track it in order to follow its further progress.

Stories are ranked by means of and index called "BigFactor"; although the details of BigFactor's computation aren't known, declares it estimates a story's importance taking into account four parameters: "breaking" (the story's freshness), "impact" (how frequently the story is being referred to by other articles and blogs), "media" (the number and quality of multimedia contents related to the story) and "discussion" (how much attention the story gained from the public).


See also

* Google News
* Yahoo! News

External links

* [ Ask BigNews website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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