Kutlu Adali

Kutlu Adali

Kutlu Adali "Turkish" Kutlu Adalı, b. 1935, Nicosia, assassinated 1996, Turkish Cypriot journalist, poet and socio-political researcher, peace advocate.

=Biography=His family emigrated to Antalya, Turkey when he was three years old. After completing his secondary education, he returned in 1954 taking up employment at Cyprus Turkish Communal Chamber.

Before his retirement, he was the head of the Department of Population and Birth Registration in the recently declared Turkish Republic of North Cyprus.

In the years leading to his assassination, Kutlu Adali was a well respected journalist working for Yeni Duzen (New Order) newspaper in Nicosia, writing daily in his regular column "From Blue Cyprus". While his early work, including his books and periodicals was nationalistic in content, his latter contributions were critical of the then right-wing establishment prevalent in the north of his home island.

On July 6, 1996, he was fatally machine-gunned, outside his home. To this day, the perpetrators of this crime are yet to be brought to justice.


* Köy Raporları(Village Reports), 1961, 1962, 1963 (Turkish)
* Dağarcık (Shepherd's Bag), 1963, (travelogue) (Turkish)
* Söyleşi (Interview), 1968, (Turkish)
* Çirkin Politikacı (The Ugly Politician), Pof, 1969 (satire) (Turkish)
* Hayvanistan (Animalistan), 1969 (satire) (Turkish)
* Sancılı Toplum (Society with Birth Pains), 1969 (Turkish)
* Köprü (The Bridge), 1969, (play) (Turkish)
* Şago, 1970, (play) (Turkish)
* Nasrettin Hoca ve Kıbrıs (Naseruddin Hodja and Cyprus), 1971 (Turkish)

External links

* An excellent article on the court case following his assassination:
** http://www.echr.coe.int/eng/Press/2005/March/ChamberjudgmentAdalivTurkey310305.htm
* http://www.cyprusiv.com/ncyprus/literature/adali.html
* http://www.newseum.org/scripts/Journalist/Detail.asp?PhotoID=1069

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