

The word psychosophy comes from the word psyche, which means soul, and the word sophia, which means wisdom. Over the last one hundred years marvelous progress has been made by the science of psychology in the understanding of human nature and in applying this understanding to the helping of human beings. Psychosophy embraces this scientific progress and includes the religious path of personal and group spiritual development with the science of psychology. Psychosophy is an aspect of theosophy. The three general areas of psychosophy are typosophy (relating to psychological types), motion (relating to movement through space) and evolution (relating to processes ofdevelopment).

Researched from a unique perspective of Rudolf Steiners spiritual scientific faculties, a foundation for a future spiritual psychology was created, at the dawn of modern psychology. He called it Psychosophy in 1910. Close to a century passed prior to conditions being there for this gift to modern psychology to bear fruit. Psychosophy provides a most practical model, road map, language and laboratory for a comprehensive study and a practical transformation of the domain of human experience based on a spiritual conception of humanity, evolution and the Earth.

Psychosophy is intended as a study of the human soul starting with what it can itself experience here in the physical world, but then ascending to higher realms in order to show that the life we encounter and can observe in the physical world leads up to glimpses of a higher soul life, from which the light of theosophy will come to meet us, as it were. "Psychosophy" (wisdom of the soul) discusses the primary aspects of the human soul, the activities and interaction of our various soul forces, the dynamics of love and hate, and the process of judging.

Training requires the development of skills in philosophy, mathematics and education. The student of psychosophy should have scientific and mathematical skills on par with those credentialed by the world's recognized academic institutions. The practice of psychosophy in service to the common good relates to all areas of human activity and psychosophy can be applied by any qualified individual to his area of work and service.

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* [ The Lack of a Viable Psychosophy]

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