

name = Amen.

image_size= 150px
imdb_id = 0280653
writer = Jean-Claude Grumberg
starring = Ulrich Tukur
Mathieu Kassovitz
director = Costa-Gavras
producer = Andrei Boncea
Michèle Ray-Gavras
cinematography= Patrick Blossier
distributor =Kino International US
Pathé France
released = 2002
runtime = 132min
language =
budget =

"Amen." is a 2002 German, Romanian, and French film directed by Costa-Gavras. (Note that the period punctuation is part of the title. “Amen” is a Hebrew expression meaning “So be it”). The German-language version was released under the title ’‘Der Stellvertreter’’ (translated into English as ’‘The Representative’’ or ’‘The Deputy’’).

The film is based on a 1963 play by Rolf Hochhuth, The Deputy, a Christian Tragedy.

Main cast

*Ulrich Tukur as Kurt Gerstein
*Mathieu Kassovitz as Riccardo Fontana

Additional cast

*Ulrich Mühe
*Michel Duchaussoy
*Ion Caramitru
*Marcel Iureş
*Friedrich von Thun
*Antje Schmidt
*Hanns Zischler
*Sebastian Koch
*Erich Hallhuber
*Burkhard Heyl
*Angus MacInnes
*Bernd Fischerauer
*Pierre Franckh
*Taylor Richard Durden
*Monica Bleibtreu
*Justus von Dohnányi
*Gunther-Maria Halmer
*August Zirner
*Horatiu Malaele
*Ovidiu Cuncea
*Markus Hering
*Susanna Lothar
*Alexander Geringas
*Theodor Danetti


The film "Amen." examines the links between the Vatican and Nazi Germany. The central character is Kurt Gerstein, a member of the Institute for Hygiene of the Waffen-SS who is horrified by what he sees in the death camps. Moreover, he is shocked to learn that the process he used to purify water for his troops, by using zyklon, served as a basis to kill people in gas chambers. Gerstein attempts to notify Pope Pius XII, but is appalled by the lack of response he gets from the Catholic hierarchy. The only person moved is Riccardo Fontana, a young Jesuit priest.

While the character of Kurt Gerstein is historical, the character of the young priest is fictional, and the plot is only very loosely based on history.


In addition to the criticism that had already been raised about "The Deputy" for its portrayal of the role of the Catholic Church during the Holocaust, the film created controversy in Catholic circles by its poster (created by controversial Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani) representing a mix of a Christian cross and a swastika.


Since the Holy See did not allow filming in the Vatican, the scenes in the papal palaces were shot in the Palace of the Parliament of Bucharest, Romania.

See also

*List of Holocaust films

External links

*imdb title|id=0280653|title=Amen.
* [ A review]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • amen — amen …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Amen — • One of a small number of Hebrew words which have been imported unchanged into the liturgy of the Church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Amen     Amen      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • amen — [ amɛn ] interj. et n. m. inv. • XIIe; lat. ecclés., hébr. « oui, ainsi soit il » ♦ Mot par lequel se terminent les prières. « l assistant répond amen » (Chateaubriand). Loc. Dire, répondre amen à tout ce que dit, ce que fait qqn, l approuver… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • AMEN — (Heb. אָמֵן; it is true, so be it, may it become true ), word or formula used as confirmation, endorsement, or expression of hope and wish on hearing a blessing, prayer, curse, or oath. Originally an adjective ( true ; but see Isa. 65:16 for its… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Amen — [ˈaːmɛn] oder [aː meːn] (hebräisch אָמֵן āmén, altgriechisch ἀμήν amēn, arabisch ‏آمين‎, DMG āmīn) ist eine aus dem Alten Testament ins Neue Testament übernommene Akklamationsformel in der Liturgie. Später wurde es auch in den Islam… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Amen — [ a:mən], das; s, : dient als Bekräftigung besonders eines christlichen Gebets, eines Segens, einer Predigt. ☆ zu allem Ja und Amen sagen (ugs.): sich allem fügen, sich mit allem abfinden: sie hat keine eigene Meinung, sie sagt zu allem Ja und… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • amen — [ a:mɛn] <Interjektion>: dient dazu, ein christliches Gebet, einen Segen, eine Predigt o. Ä. abzuschließen und das darin Gesagte zu bekräftigen: in Ewigkeit, amen. * * * Amen 〈n. 14〉 1. Zustimmung der Gemeinde zu Rede, Segen, Gebet usw. 2.… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • amen — Ptkl std. stil. (8. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. āmēn als Schlußformel des christlichen Gebets, dieses aus gr. amḗn, aus hebr. ʾāmēn, zu hebr. ʾāman stärken, bekräftigen . Ein Wort der Bekräftigung: so soll es sein! .    Ebenso nndl. amen, ne …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Amen — Amen: Amen  Аминь. Amen (группа)  американская панк/хардкор группа. Amen (альбом)  второй альбом группы Amen (1999). Amen Break  семпл из трека The Winstons «Amen, Brother». Amen  псевдоним гитариста музыкального… …   Википедия

  • Amen — A men (?; 277), interj., adv., & n. [L. amen, Gr. amh n, Heb. [=a]m[=e]n certainly, truly.] An expression used at the end of prayers, and meaning, So be it. At the end of a creed, it is a solemn asseveration of belief. When it introduces a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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