- Anger function
In mathematics, the Anger function, introduced in harv|Anger|1855, is a function defined by
and is closely related to
Bessel function s.The Weber function, introduced by harvs|txt|authorlink=Heinrich Friedrich Weber|first=H. F.|last=Weber|year=1879, is a closely related function defined by
and is closely related to
Bessel function s of the second kind.Relation between Weber and Anger functions
The Anger and Weber functions are related by
so in particular if ν is not an integer they can be expressed as linear combinations of each other. If ν is an integer then Anger functions Jν are the same as Bessel functions "J"ν, and Weber functions can be expressed as finite linear combinations of
Struve function s.Differential equations
The Anger and Weber functions are solutions of inhomogenous forms of Bessel's equation . More precisely, the Anger functions satisfy the equation
and the Weber functions satisfy the equation
*AS ref|12|498
*C.T. Anger, Neueste Schr. d. Naturf. d. Ges. i. Danzig , 5 (1855) pp. 1–29
*springer|id=A/a012490|title=Anger function|first=A.P.|last= Prudnikov
*springer|id=W/w097320|title=Weber function|first=A.P.|last= Prudnikov
*G.N. Watson, "A treatise on the theory of Bessel functions" , 1–2 , Cambridge Univ. Press (1952)
*H.F. Weber, Zurich Vierteljahresschrift , 24 (1879) pp. 33–76
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