Rajae Benchemsi

Rajae Benchemsi

Rajae Benchemsi (born 1957 in Meknes) is a Moroccan writer. Benchemsi studied literature in Paris and wrote her thesis on Maurice Blanchot.She has published collections of poetry in Morocco and in France "Fracture du désir", a collection of articles published by Actes Sud in 1998. In 2006, she wrote 'Houda et Taqi'. Rajae Benchemsi is also the host of a Moroccan television program on books.


*"Marrakech, lumière d'exil: roman", ed. Wespieser, 2003 ISBN 2848050063
*"Fracture du désir", ed. Actes Sud, 1999 ISBN 2742721614
*"La controverse des temps: roman", ed. Wespieser, 2006 ISBN:2848050411
*(together with Fraid Belkahia) "Parole de Nuit", Marsam 1997, ISBN:9981972371


*Susanne Heiler, "Der maghrebinische Roman: Eine Einführung", p. 186
*Mesh, Cynthia J.: "Benchemsi Rajae. "Fracture du désir" ", "French Review", vol. 74, no. 4 (March 2001), 834-5

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