Electoral results for the Division of Mackellar

Electoral results for the Division of Mackellar

This is a list of electoral results for the Division of Mackellar in Australian federal elections from the division's creation in 1949 until the present.


Election results

Elections in the 2000s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 2007: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bronwyn Bishop
party = Liberal
votes = 47,343
percentage = 56.41
change = -0.62

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Chris Sharpe
party = Labor
votes = 20,439
percentage = 24.35
change = +4.24

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Craige McWhirter
party = Greens
votes = 9,840
percentage = 11.72
change = +1.19

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Mike Hubbard
party = Christian Democrats
votes = 1,955
percentage = 2.33
change = +2.33

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John Adams
party = CCC
votes = 1,772
percentage = 2.11
change = +2.11

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Matt McLellan
party = Independent
votes = 1,651
percentage = 1.97
change = +1.97

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Clinton Barnes
party = Democrats
votes = 933
percentage = 1.11
change = -0.29

Election box formal
votes = 83,933
percentage = 95.29
change = +0.11

Election box informal
votes = 4,150
percentage = 4.71
change = -0.11

Election box turnout
votes = 88,083
percentage = 95.32
change = +1.86

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Bronwyn Bishop
votes = 52,395
percentage = 62.42
change = -3.04

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Chris Sharpe
votes = 31,538
percentage = 37.58
change = +3.04

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -3.04

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 2004: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bronwyn Bishop
party = Liberal
votes = 44,778
percentage = 57.26
change = -0.38

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Chris Sharpe
party = Labor
votes = 15,492
percentage = 19.81
change = +0.91

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Christian Downie
party = Greens
votes = 8,193
percentage = 10.48
change = +2.41

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Robert Thomas Dunn
party = Independent
votes = 6,050
percentage = 7.74
change = +7.74

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Roz Trestrail
party = Family First
votes = 1,318
percentage = 1.69
change = +1.69

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Stephen Wells
party = Independent
votes = 1,231
percentage = 1.57
change = +1.57

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Mario Nicotra
party = Democrats
votes = 1,133
percentage = 1.45
change = -8.01

Election box formal
votes = 78,195
percentage = 95.24
change = -0.10

Election box informal
votes = 3,905
percentage = 4.76
change = +0.10

Election box turnout
votes = 82,100
percentage = 94.16
change = -0.20

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Bronwyn Bishop
votes = 51,415
percentage = 65.75
change = -1.12

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Chris Sharpe
votes = 26,780
percentage = 34.25
change = +1.12

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -1.12

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 2001: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bronwyn Bishop
party = Liberal
votes = 44,854
percentage = 57.64
change = +2.51

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Ben Carpentier
party = Labor
votes = 14,708
percentage = 18.90
change = +0.11

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Vicki Dimond
party = Democrats
votes = 7,365
percentage = 9.46
change = +0.01

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Andrea Pape
party = Greens
votes = 6,277
percentage = 8.07
change = +4.75

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Peter Cuthbertson
party = One Nation
votes = 2,182
percentage = 2.80
change = -4.18

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = George May
party = Independent
votes = 1,265
percentage = 1.63
change = +1.63

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Tom Moody
party = AAFI
votes = 1,171
percentage = 1.50
change = +1.50

Election box formal
votes = 77,822
percentage = 95.34
change = -1.14

Election box informal
votes = 3,801
percentage = 4.66
change = +1.14

Election box turnout
votes = 81,623
percentage = 94.67
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Bronwyn Bishop
votes = 52,039
percentage = 66.87
change = -0.26

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Ben Carpentier
votes = 25,783
percentage = 33.13
change = +0.26

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -0.26

Elections in the 1990s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1998: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bronwyn Bishop
party = Liberal
votes = 39,966
percentage = 53.68
change = -0.98

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Nick Lorentzen
party = Labor
votes = 14,605
percentage = 19.62
change = +0.11

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Vicki Dimond
party = Democrats
votes = 7,104
percentage = 9.54
change = -1.40

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John Webeck
party = One Nation
votes = 5,355
percentage = 7.19
change = +7.19

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bob Ellis
party = Independent
votes = 4,729
percentage = 6.35
change = +6.35

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Trevor Ockenden
party = Greens
votes = 2,500
percentage = 3.36
change = -0.97

Election box formal
votes = 74,452
percentage = 96.41
change = -0.29

Election box informal
votes = 2,770
percentage = 3.59
change = +0.29

Election box turnout
votes = 77,222
percentage = 94.67
change = -1.80

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Bronwyn Bishop
votes = 48,874
percentage = 65.64
change = -0.88

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Nick Lorentzen
votes = 25,578
percentage = 34.36
change = +0.88

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -0.88

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1996: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bronwyn Bishop
party = Liberal
votes = 40,886
percentage = 54.66
change = -1.95

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Ross McLoughlin
party = Labor
votes = 14,590
percentage = 19.51
change = -13.73

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Vicki Dimond
party = Democrats
votes = 8,188
percentage = 10.95
change = +3.87

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Chris Cairns
party = Greens
votes = 3,236
percentage = 4.33
change = +4.33

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John Bridge
party = AAFI
votes = 2,909
percentage = 3.89
change = +3.89

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Anne Ellis
party = Independent
votes = 2,848
percentage = 3.81
change = +3.81

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Rick Bristow
party = Call to Australia
votes = 1,369
percentage = 1.83
change = +0.10

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Rodney Smith
party = Reclaim Australia
votes = 631
percentage = 0.84
change = +0.84

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Stephen Doric
party = Natural Law
votes = 144
percentage = 0.19
change = -1.16

Election box formal
votes = 74,801
percentage = 96.71
change = -0.29

Election box informal
votes = 2,547
percentage = 3.29
change = +0.29

Election box turnout
votes = 77,348
percentage = 96.47
change = +0.69

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Bronwyn Bishop
votes = 49,341
percentage = 66.53
change = +5.37

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Ross McLoughlin
votes = 24,827
percentage = 33.47
change = -5.37

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +5.37

Election box begin
title=Mackellar by-election, 1994
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bronwyn Bishop
party = Liberal
votes = 34,999
percentage = 52.25
change = -4.36

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bob Ellis
party = Independent
votes = 15,501
percentage = 23.14
change = +23.14

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John Phillips
party = AAFI
votes = 5,464
percentage = 8.16
change = +8.16

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Fiona E McLeod
party = Greens
votes = 3,940
percentage = 5.88
change = +5.88

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Brian Johnson
party = Democrats
votes = 3,851
percentage = 5.75
change = -1.33

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Peter Consandine
party = Republican
votes = 586
percentage = 0.87
change = +0.87

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Godfrey Bigot
party = Independent
votes = 582
percentage = 0.87
change = +0.87

Election box formal
votes = 66,986
percentage = 96.85
change =

Election box informal
votes = 2,181
percentage = 3.15
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 69,167
percentage = 87.63
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Bronwyn Bishop
votes = 40,328
percentage = 60.27
change = -0.89

Election box candidate AU party
party = Independent
candidate = Bob Ellis
votes = 26,587
percentage = 39.73
change = +39.73

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -0.89

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1993: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jim Carlton
party = Liberal
votes = 41,100
percentage = 56.6
change = +5.3

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Charles Wild
party = Labor
votes = 24,126
percentage = 33.2
change = +8.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Brian Johnson
party = Democrats
votes = 5,139
percentage = 7.1
change = -10.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Lesley Maher
party = Call to Australia
votes = 1,253
percentage = 1.7
change = +0.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Valdamar Kurylenko
party = Natural Law
votes = 981
percentage = 1.4
change = +1.4

Election box formal
votes = 72,599
percentage = 97.0
change =

Election box informal
votes = 2,247
percentage = 3.0
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 74,846
percentage = 95.8
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Jim Carlton
votes = 44,394
percentage = 61.2
change = +0.1

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Charles Wild
votes = 28,193
percentage = 38.8
change = -0.1

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +0.1

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1990: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jim Carlton
party = Liberal
votes = 31,976
percentage = 50.4
change = -6.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Adam Hatcher
party = Labor
votes = 15,886
percentage = 25.2
change = -5.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jonathan King
party = Democrats
votes = 11,595
percentage = 18.4
change = +8.4

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Maurice Foley
party = Independent
votes = 1,976
percentage = 3.1
change = +1.0

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Muriel O'Neill
party = Call to Australia
votes = 1,164
percentage = 1.8
change = +1.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Brad Hogarth
party = Greens
votes = 648
percentage = 1.0
change = +1.0

Election box formal
votes = 63,042
percentage = 97.2
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,828
percentage = 2.8
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 64,870
percentage = 94.7
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Jim Carlton
votes = 38,358
percentage = 61.1
change = -2.1

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Adam Hatcher
votes = 24,472
percentage = 38.9
change = +2.1

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -2.1

Elections in the 1980s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1987: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jim Carlton
party = Liberal
votes = 35,225
percentage = 56.9
change = +2.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Eileen Blackmore
party = Labor
votes = 19,254
percentage = 31.1
change = -3.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Graeme Maclennan
party = Democrats
votes = 6,189
percentage = 10.0
change = +0.7

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Maurice Foley
party = Independent
votes = 1,274
percentage = 2.1
change = +0.4

Election box formal
votes = 61,942
percentage = 96.0
change =

Election box informal
votes = 2,584
percentage = 4.0
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 64,526
percentage = 93.1
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Jim Carlton
votes = 39,137
percentage = 63.2
change = +3.1

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Eileen Blackmore
votes = 22,799
percentage = 36.8
change = -3.1

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +3.1

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1984: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jim Carlton
party = Liberal
votes = 31,875
percentage = 54.1
change = -2.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Tim Cusack
party = Labor
votes = 20,614
percentage = 35.0
change = -0.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Graeme Maclennan
party = Democrats
votes = 5,472
percentage = 9.3
change = +3.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Maurice Foley
party = Independent
votes = 977
percentage = 1.7
change = +0.5

Election box formal
votes = 58,938
percentage = 94.1
change =

Election box informal
votes = 3,690
percentage = 5.9
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 62,628
percentage = 93.5
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Jim Carlton
votes = 35,436
percentage = 60.1
change = +0.4

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Tim Cusack
votes = 23,500
percentage = 39.9
change = -0.4

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +0.4

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1983: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jim Carlton
party = Liberal
votes = 36,587
percentage = 55.6
change = -4.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Keith Jackson
party = Labor
votes = 24,292
percentage = 36.9
change = +5.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Robert Williams
party = Democrats
votes = 4,055
percentage = 6.2
change = -1.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Maurice Foley
party = Independent
votes = 813
percentage = 1.2
change = +1.2

Election box formal
votes = 65,747
percentage = 98.1
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,253
percentage = 1.9
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 67,000
percentage = 94.2
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Jim Carlton
votes =
percentage = 58.7
change = -4.8

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Keith Jackson
votes =
percentage = 41.3
change = +4.8

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -4.8

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1980: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jim Carlton
party = Liberal
votes = 38,922
percentage = 60.2
change = +4.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Kevin Mason
party = Labor
votes = 20,513
percentage = 31.7
change = +3.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Robert Williams
party = Democrats
votes = 5,222
percentage = 8.1
change = -3.1

Election box formal
votes = 64,657
percentage = 97.3
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,785
percentage = 2.7
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 66,442
percentage = 93.5
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Jim Carlton
votes =
percentage = 63.5
change = -0.8

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Kevin Mason
votes =
percentage = 36.5
change = +0.8

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -0.8

Elections in the 1970s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1977: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jim Carlton
party = Liberal
votes = 36,064
percentage = 55.4
change = -7.4

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John Barclay
party = Labor
votes = 18,329
percentage = 28.2
change = -1.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Robert Williams
party = Democrats
votes = 7,262
percentage = 11.2
change = +11.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Ronald Davis
party = Independent
votes = 1,604
percentage = 2.5
change = +2.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John Booth
party = Independent
votes = 1,000
percentage = 1.5
change = +1.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Barry Geyle
party = Independent
votes = 621
percentage = 1.0
change = +1.0

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Thomas Mellor
party = Independent
votes = 185
percentage = 0.3
change = +0.3

Election box formal
votes = 65,065
percentage = 97.5
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,682
percentage = 2.5
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 66.747
percentage = 93.1
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Jim Carlton
votes =
percentage = 64.3
change = -2.7

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = John Barclay
votes =
percentage = 35.7
change = +2.7

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -2.7

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1975: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Wentworth
party = Liberal
votes = 43,536
percentage = 61.4
change = +6.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Kevin Mason
party = Labor
votes = 22,330
percentage = 31.5
change = -8.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Barry Bracken
party = Independent
votes = 3,576
percentage = 5.0
change = +5.0

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jennifer Sheehan
party = Independent
votes = 1,408
percentage = 2.0
change = +2.0

Election box formal
votes = 70,850
percentage = 98.3
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,189
percentage = 1.7
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 72,039
percentage = 95.0
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = William Wentworth
votes =
percentage = 65.6
change = +8.6

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Kevin Mason
votes =
percentage = 34.4
change = -8.6

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +8.6

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1974: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Wentworth
party = Liberal
votes = 36,697
percentage = 55.2
change = +7.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Evan Davies
party = Labor
votes = 26,772
percentage = 40.3
change = +3.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Noel Gash
party = Australia
votes = 2,987
percentage = 4.5
change = -7.2

Election box formal
votes = 66,456
percentage = 98.6
change =

Election box informal
votes = 949
percentage = 1.4
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 67,405
percentage = 93.7
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = William Wentworth
votes =
percentage = 57.0
change = +1.8

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Evan Davies
votes =
percentage = 43.0
change = -1.8

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +1.8

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1972: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Wentworth
party = Liberal
votes = 28,677
percentage = 48.1
change = -8.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Evan Davies
party = Labor
votes = 21,744
percentage = 36.5
change = -1.4

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Richard Jones
party = Australia
votes = 6,956
percentage = 11.7
change = +11.7

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Thomas Colman
party = DLP
votes = 1,971
percentage = 3.3
change = -2.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Norman Ward
party = Independent
votes = 284
percentage = 0.5
change = +0.5

Election box formal
votes = 59,632
percentage = 98.3
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,001
percentage = 1.7
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 60,633
percentage = 94.8
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = William Wentworth
votes =
percentage = 55.2
change = -5.8

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Evan Davies
votes =
percentage = 44.8
change = +5.8

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -5.8

Elections in the 1960s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1969: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Wentworth
party = Liberal
votes = 29,136
percentage = 56.7
change = -10.3

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Bramwell
party = Labor
votes = 19,516
percentage = 37.9
change = +15.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Thomas Colman
party = DLP
votes = 2,775
percentage = 5.4
change = +1.9

Election box formal
votes = 51,427
percentage = 98.0
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,060
percentage = 2.0
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 52,487
percentage = 94.1
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = William Wentworth
votes =
percentage = 61.0
change = -11.0

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = William Bramwell
votes =
percentage = 39.0
change = +11.0

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -11.0

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1966: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Wentworth
party = Liberal
votes = 44,980
percentage = 65.9
change = +3.7

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Kenneth McLean
party = Labor
votes = 16,018
percentage = 23.5
change = -6.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Peter Allison
party = Liberal Reform Group
votes = 4,534
percentage = 6.6
change = +6.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Philip Cohen
party = DLP
votes = 2,699
percentage = 4.0
change = -0.5

Election box formal
votes = 68,231
percentage = 96.9
change =

Election box informal
votes = 2,206
percentage = 3.1
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 70,437
percentage = 94.0
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = William Wentworth
votes =
percentage = 70.9
change = +4.8

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Kenneth McLean
votes =
percentage = 29.1
change = -4.8

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +4.8

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1963: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Wentworth
party = Liberal
votes = 37,827
percentage = 62.2
change = +8.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Mabel Elliott
party = Labor
votes = 18,440
percentage = 30.3
change = -4.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Philip Cohen
party = DLP
votes = 2,725
percentage = 4.5
change = -1.0

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Hugh Begg
party = Communist
votes = 1,834
percentage = 3.0
change = -2.5

Election box formal
votes = 60,826
percentage = 98.3
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,055
percentage = 1.7
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 61,881
percentage = 94.8
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = William Wentworth
votes =
percentage = 66.1
change = +7.2

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Mabel Elliott
votes =
percentage = 33.9
change = -7.2

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +7.2

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1961: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Wentworth
party = Liberal
votes = 29,248
percentage = 54.1
change = -4.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Mabel Elliott
party = Labor
votes = 18,872
percentage = 34.9
change = +4.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Philip Cohen
party = DLP
votes = 2,983
percentage = 5.5
change = +0.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Hugh Begg
party = Communist
votes = 2,971
percentage = 5.5
change = -0.4

Election box formal
votes = 54,074
percentage = 97.5
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,382
percentage = 2.5
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 55,456
percentage = 94.6
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = William Wentworth
votes =
percentage = 58.9
change = -4.4

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Mabel Elliott
votes =
percentage = 41.1
change = +4.4

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -4.4

Elections in the 1950s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1958: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Wentworth
party = Liberal
votes = 27,258
percentage = 59.0
change = -3.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Mabel Elliott
party = Labor
votes = 14,002
percentage = 30.3
change = -0.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Hugh Begg
party = Communist
votes = 2,734
percentage = 5.9
change = -1.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Ann Macken
party = DLP
votes = 2,170
percentage = 4.7
change = +4.7

Election box formal
votes = 46,164
percentage = 96.7
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,589
percentage = 3.3
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 47,753
percentage = 93.3
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = William Wentworth
votes =
percentage = 63.3
change = +0.4

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Mabel Elliott
votes =
percentage = 36.7
change = -0.4

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +0.4

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1955: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Wentworth
party = Liberal
votes = 25,553
percentage = 62.1
change = +2.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Norman McAlpine
party = Labor
votes = 12,525
percentage = 30.4
change = -5.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Frank Hardy
party = Communist
votes = 3,087
percentage = 7.5
change = +3.1

Election box formal
votes = 41,165
percentage = 97.0
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,255
percentage = 3.0
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 42,420
percentage = 95.2
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = William Wentworth
votes =
percentage = 62.9
change = +1.3

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Norman McAlpine
votes =
percentage = 37.1
change = -1.3

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +1.3

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1954: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Wentworth
party = Liberal
votes = 28,546
percentage = 59.8
change = -3.3

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Francis Neate
party = Labor
votes = 17,072
percentage = 35.8
change = -1.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Raymond Clarke
party = Communist
votes = 2,120
percentage = 4.4
change = +4.4

Election box formal
votes = 47,738
percentage = 98.7
change =

Election box informal
votes = 650
percentage = 1.3
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 48,388
percentage = 95.5
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = William Wentworth
votes =
percentage = 60.2
change = -2.9

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Francis Neate
votes =
percentage = 39.8
change = +2.9

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = -2.9

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1951: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Wentworth
party = Liberal
votes = 26,832
percentage = 63.1
change = +0.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Thomas Sherley
party = Labor
votes = 15,684
percentage = 36.9
change = -0.5

Election box formal
votes = 42,516
percentage = 98.8
change =

Election box informal
votes = 953
percentage = 2.2
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 43,469
percentage = 95.2
change =

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +0.5

Elections in the 1940s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1949: Mackellar
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = William Wentworth
party = Liberal
votes = 25,678
percentage = 62.6
change = +7.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = James Mitchell
party = Labor
votes = 15,314
percentage = 37.4
change = -7.2

Election box formal
votes = 40,992
percentage = 97.5
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,068
percentage = 2.5
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 42,060
percentage = 96.2
change =

Election box hold AU party
winner = Liberal
swing = +7.2


* Australian Electoral Commission. [http://www.aec.gov.au Federal election results]
* Carr, Adam. [http://psephos.adam-carr.net Psephos]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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