Mama Quilla II

Mama Quilla II


The rock band Mama Quilla II first performed together in 1977 in Toronto, Ontario and dissolved in 1982.[1]

Band members

Personnel changed over the band’s five year existence, but Mama Quilla II was usually a 7-piece all-female band.[2] The main band personnel were as follows: Lorraine Segato (vocals, guitar), Lauri Conger (keyboards, vocals), Linda Jain (drums, percussion), Linda Robitaille (saxophone, vocals), Susan Sturman (guitars), Catherine McKay (bass,vocals) and then Jacqui Snedker (bass, vocals), Maxine Walsh (percussion), Susan Cole (vocals and piano) and BJ Danylchuk (keyboards,vocals).[3] Nancy Poole acted as the group's manager.[4]

Development out of original Mama Quilla

Mama Quilla II developed out of a band called Mama Quilla (named after the Inca Goddess Mama Quilla). The original Mama Quilla was formed in the early 1970s by Sara Ellen Dunlop, a "major independent figure on the Toronto music scene who died of cancer in 1975."[2] Original Mama Quilla members included Linda Jain, Linda Robitaille and Jackie Snedker, as well as Dunlop.[2]

Relationship to "women's music"

Keyboard player Lauri Conger describes a time at the beginning of the band's history when she decided to "make a political shift (from being the only woman in the bands she played with) work with women."[5] Conger also notes that MQII was one of the earliest women's music groups to go electric rather than playing acoustic instruments.[4]

High profile shows

Mama Quilla II headlined at the First Annual Bi-National Lesbian Conference in Toronto, which was put on by members of the Lesbian Organization of Toronto (LOOT) with members of the Toronto International Women’s Day Committee in May 1979.[3]

Transformation into Parachute Club

Mama Quilla II morphed into the Parachute Club and signed a recording deal with Current Records in 1983. The band was “asked to organize a group for the 1982 Toronto Festival of Festivals and Mama Quilla II personnel were unavailable so they grabbed Conger and several other area session players and formed The Parachute Club.”


  • 1982 Mama Quilla II KKK//Mama Quilla/Angry Young Woman Tupperwaros; EP. Produced by Daniel Lanois


  1. ^ Jam! Pop Encyclopedia
  2. ^ a b c Mama Quilla Collective promotional flyer, accessed at the CWMA (Canadian Women's Movement Archives)
  3. ^ a b Ross, Becki. The House That Jill Built: A Lesbian Nation in Formation, University of Toronto Press, 1995, ISBN 0802074790, p281
  4. ^ a b Kivi, K. Linda. Canadian Women Making Music, Green Dragon Press, 1992, ISBN 0969195583, p87
  5. ^ Kivi, K. Linda. Canadian Women Making Music, Green Dragon Press, 1992, ISBN 0969195583, p86

External links

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