Vytautas Mačernis

Vytautas Mačernis

Vytautas Mačernis (June 5, 1921October 7, 1944) was a Lithuanian poet existentialist.


He was born in village Šarnelė, Plungė district municipality, Lithuania, where he had created most of his poems. His grandmother, who had died in 1934, was the most pleasant reminiscence for Mačernis, so she appears in most of his poems. In his childhood he was very withdrawn and thoughtful.

Mačernis had studied English language and literature in Kaunas and philosophy at the university of Vilnius.

Poet had died on October 7, 1944 in Žemaičių Kalvarija, from the stray bullet.


V. Mačernis dedicated his short life for searching the purport of human's life.

Since he was a sensitive person, he was affected by such disasters as the Soviet and Nazi occupations, World War II and that made his poems full of blackness, dark colours.

The first poem of Vytautas was published in 1936, the last one - on October, 1944. He had been writing sonnets, visions, triolets, songs and short aphoristic poems.

The only one cycle he had finished is "Vizijos" ("Visions", 1939–1942). He had also created 81 sonnets of the cycle "Metai" ("Years") out of 96 planned, 14 "Songs of myself", the prologue of the poem „Žmogaus apnuoginta širdis“ ("Person's denuded heart").

External links

* [http://www.efn.org/~valdas/macernis.html Poetry of Vytautas Mačernis]

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