Depth Kymography

Depth Kymography

Depth-Kymography is the simultaneous measurement of the human vocal fold vibrations in the vertical and horizontal directions and its display as a 3D image or as a movie. This new 3D imaging method and the new scientific term "Depth-Kymography" is introduced by Dr.Nibu A George [Depth-Kymography: High-speed calibrated 3D imaging of human vocal folds vibration dynamics, Nibu A George, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53, 2667-2675 (2008). ] from the University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands in 2007.

Human vocal folds vibrate in a very complex manner. During phonation vocal folds move in the horizontal and vertical directions. The imaging of the vocal fold vibrations is done by inserting an endoscope through the mouth and the vocal folds are viewed from the top. Hence, with a normal endoscope only the horizontal movements of the vocal folds are visible. Endoscopes used for the visualization of larynx is commonly known as Laryngoscope. With a specially designed 3D laryngooscope the vibrations in the horizontal as well as the vertical directions can be visualized. Depth-kymography has great potential in the investigation of voice disorders and in phonosurgical applications. Depth-Kymography is the next generation of the popular videokymography. [Videokymography: high-speed line scanning of vocal fold vibration, J. Voice. 10(2),201-205 (1996).]


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