Edgar Doneux

Edgar Doneux

Edgard Doneux (March 25, 1920, Liège - January 31, 1984, Anderlecht) was a Belgian conductor.

Doneux received his entire musical formation at the conservatoire of his native city, and made his conducting debut at the Opéra Royal de Liège, in 1940, aged only 20.

In 1946, he was named principal conductor at the Monnaie opera house in Brussels, and in 1949 chief conductor at the Belgian Radio-Television, retaining the latter post until his death.

He took part in the fondation of the Ballet Royal and l'Opéra Royal de Wallonie, as well as the Festival de Chimay, and was for a time artistic director of the Spa Musical, in Spa, Belgium.

elective discography

* Grétry - "Zémire et Azor", (EMI, 1974)
* Grétry - "L'amant jaloux" - (EMI, 1977)
* Grétry - "Richard Coeur-de-lion", (EMI, 1977)
* Varney - "Les mousquetaires au couvent", (EMI, 1979)


* "Dictionaire des interprètes", Alain Pâris, (Éditions Robert Lafffont, 1989) ISBN 2-221-06660-X

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