- Klaf
Klaf is the material on which a Sofer writes certain
Jewish liturgical and ritual documents, thekosher form ofparchment orvellum .The
writing material can be made of the specially prepared skin of a kosher animal -goat ,cattle , ordeer . The hide can consist of:
#"gevil", the full, un-split hide;
#"klaf", the outer, hairy layer; or
#"dukhsustus",but only "gevil" and the "klaf" can be used for holy writings. Dukhsustus is not permitted [http://www.geniza.net/ritual/mb32.shtml] . However, Dukhsustos is used for writing amezuza .The legally required method of cleaning and preparing the full, unsplit hide (
gevil ) has been altered over the centuries. During Talmudic times,salt -water andbarley (or flours) were sprinkled on the skins which were then soaked in the juice of "afatsim" (gall nuts, orOak apple s). Nowadays, most processors dip the skins in clear water for two days after which it is soaked in limewater for nine days to remove the hair. When it is a hairless surface, the scribe stretches it on a wooden drying frame and scrapes it until it is dry and creases ironed out with presses. Then it is sanded until it becomes a flat, smooth sheet fit for writing. The reasons for the change in this process are lengthy and controversial. Today, a few Jewish scribes still prepare gevil in precise accordance with the Jewish Law.Some parchment (usually poor quality) is smeared with a chalky substance ("log") to make it whiter (though occasionally this is only done on the reverse). However some scribes object to this as it forms a barrier between the ink and the parchment.
Because of modern processes, most parchment is now prepared to the ruling of "klaf" and used in that manner, i.e. written on the flesh side and not on the hair side. However, there are still groups who continue to adhere to the ancient prescription described in the Talmud, and continue to write on the hairy side of the full hide.
The parchment must be prepared "for the sake of heaven" (i.e. with the intent of performing a Divine act) and the processor must make a declaration as to what he is preparing it for as one cannot use "k'laf" destined for a lesser holiness ("kedusha kallah") - e.g. a mezuzah to write
tefillin or a Sefer Torah, which are weightier holiness ("kedusha chamurah"). If he has to, the scribe should state that he is preparing for the sake of a Sefer Torah but that may change his if he wishes. Some believe that when Jew is unable to prepare the parchment, then in exceptional circumstances, a non-Jew may prepare it. However, a Jew must stand over him, directing him in his work and stating that the preparation is for the sake of heaven. However, this issue is universally accepted.Today there is a large amount of K'laf processed under
rabbi nical supervision, and the variety, quality and quantity is increasing.See also
*Sefer Torah References
* http://www.ccdesigninc.com/MishmeresStam/Leaflet.pdf
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