- Dailam
Dailam or Daylam or Deylamite were an
Iranian people [MichaelFishbein, "e History of Al-Tabari: The Victory of the Marwanids A.D. 685-693/A.H.", SUNY Press, 1990. Page 90 excerpt: "Note 336: The Daylamites were an Iranian People living in the highlands ofGilan in northern Iran. They had served the Sassanians as mercenaries and stubbornly maintained their independence despite many Muslim expeditions against them.] inhabiting northernIran . We know at least since the advent of Islam they spoke a northwestern Iranian dialect very similar to the language of their neibours. [ [http://www.iranica.com/articles/v7/v7f4/v7f408.html Deylamites] inEncyclopaedia Iranica - " [...] people inhabiting a shifting region in northern Persia and adjacent territories, including the Deylama@n uplands...in the Islamic period they spoke a northwestern Iranian dialect very similar to the language of the Gilites. [...] "]Buyids established the most successful of the Deylamite dynasties ofIran .They had a prominent position during the
Sassanid Dynasty era, their presence extended toMesopotamia (Iraq ) and their ancestors are now Arabized and are known under the name of Delaim orDulaim tribe.Another Iranian group that are likely the descendants of Deylamites are the
Zaza people . TheIranian people call themselves Diml^ or D^mla, apparently derived from Deylam [http://www.zazaki.de/englisch/articels/dimili-asatrian-iranica.pdf] .ee also
* [http://www.iranica.com/articles/v7/v7f4/v7f408.html Encyclopedia Iranica: DEYLAMITES]
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