Special visual flight rules

Special visual flight rules

Special visual flight rules (SVFR) are a set of aviation regulations under which a pilot may operate an aircraft.

Flight under SVFR is only allowed in control zones, and always requires clearance from air traffic control (ATC). It usually happens under two circumstances:

*In Class A airspace, flight under visual flight rules (VFR) is not permitted and instrument flight rules (IFR) flight is the norm. Pilots may as an alternative to IFR request an SVFR clearance to enter the airspace and fly visually.

*In other controlled airspace, when the local weather is less than the minimums required for flight under visual flight rules (VFR) and again IFR would be the norm. Pilots may again as an alternative to IFR request an SVFR clearance to enter the airspace and fly visually.

The aircraft need not necessarily be equipped for flight under IFR, and the aircraft must remain clear of clouds and maintain certain flight visibility minimums (1850 metres according to ICAO, one statute mile in the US). The pilot continues to be responsible for obstacle and terrain clearance.

An example of the use of SVFR is when a flight wishes to leave an airport in a control zone, to fly VFR in uncontrolled airspace, when the visibility is below the minimum for VFR flight in the control zone but not below the lower minimum for VFR flight in uncontrolled airspace.

According to the FAA, SVFR at night requires an IFR-equipped aircraft and an IFR-rated pilot in command.

See also

* Controlled Visual Flight Rules

External links

* [http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&sid=78da8b5e40dede174e5f660ffe6c98a2&rgn=div8&view=text&node=14:

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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