PIMEX is one of the so called video exposure monitoring methods, which are used in occupational hygiene practise since its inception in the mid-1980s (1). The name PIMEX is an acronym from the words PIcture Mix EXposure, and implies that the method is based on mixing pictures, in this case from a video camera, with data on a workers exposure to some agent. The main idea of the method is to make invisible hazards in the work environment visible and in this manner facilitate the reduction of hazards in workplaces.

The method PIMEX was originally developed in Sweden during the 1980s by Gunnar Rosén and Ing-Marie Andersson (2,3). Similar technique was developed also in USA where NIOSH researchers described a technique using a video overlay board and computer program to display, in real-time or after recording of data and video on tape, the measured value as a bar graph and the picture on the computer screen (4,5). Video exposure monioring has thereafter been further developed and used in a number of countries (6-9).

The workersknowledge of risks associated with their tasks and, perhaps more importantly, how these risks can be controlled, is essential to improve their health (1). Applications of the PIMEX methods are various, focusing on work task analysis, training and risk communication, encouraging worker participation in and motivation for improvements in the workplace environment.

PIMEX is used in different countries. It is a widely used in the Netherlands for risk communication in the field of chemical exposure and it has been proven to be a very strong communication tool.There are more than 100 professional videos made with PIMEx for all different industries/branches. They are all free available. The Dutch Ministry of social affairs developed a new promo video of PIMEX . It demonstrates the function and use of PIMEX with various examples from working environments.

There is a variability of situations where PIMEX has been used:

- Training workers to use PPE and control measurements in the right way;

- To enlarge the knowledge of chemical risks and to motivate workers of management to use safe working procedures or to take measures;

- Workplace analyzes (hazard identification);

- Visualization of a good practice method

The best way to gain the result of using PIMEX in the Netherlands is to see (www.vast.szw.nl). For small and medium enterprises (SME) the method is easily available: within a half day a workplace analyses or/and a simple video can be made.

PIMEX is also used to visualize physicla load. In the Netherlands there are also videos available that is made for employees in health services who are working with a mobile patients hoist. Mobile patients hoists are used to reduce physical overload. The video shows the difference in exposure between using the hoist in the wrong and proper way, for example when the wheels are in the wrong or right position.


1. Rosen, G.; Andersson, I.M.; Walsh, P.T.; Clark, R.D.R.; Säämänen, Arto; Heinonen, Kimmo; Riipinen, H.; Pääkkönen, R.. 2005. A review of video exposure monitoring as an occupational hygiene tool. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, vol. 49, 3, ss. 201217 doi:10.1093/annhyg/meh110

2. Rose´n G, Lundström S. (1987) Concurrent video filming and measuring for visualization of exposure. Am Indust Hyg Ass J; 48: 68892.

3. Rose´n G, Andersson I-M. (1989) Video filming and pollution measurement as a teaching aid in reducing exposure to airborne pollutants. Ann Occ Hyg; 33: 13744.

4. Gressel M, Heitbrink WA, McGlothlin JD et al. (1987) Realtime, integrated, and ergonomic analysis of dust exposure during manual materials handling. Appl Ind Hyg J; 2: 10813.

5. Gressel MG, Heitbrink WA, McGlothlin JD et al. (1988) Advantages of real-time data acquisition for exposure assessment. Appl Ind Hyg; 3: 31620

6. Walsh PT, Clark RDR, Flaherty S et al.(2000) Computer-aided video exposure monitoring. Appl Occup Environ Hyg; 15: 4856.

7. Martin P, Brand F, Servais M. (1999) Correlation of the exposure to a pollutant with a task-related action or workplace: the CAPTIV system. Ann Occup Hyg; 43: 22133.

8. Kovein RJ. (1997) Video exposure monitoring at NIOSH: an update. Appl Occup Environ Hyg; 12: 63841.

9. Xu F, McGlothlin JD. (2003) Video exposure assessments of solvent exposures in university pharmaceutical laboratoriesa pilot study. Chemical Health and Safety; 10: 238.


PIMEX in Dalarna University
* http://www.du.se/Templates/InfoPage____3886.aspx?epslanguage=EN

Exposure visualisation in Health and Safety Laboratory
* http://www.hsl.gov.uk/case-studies/visual.htm

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