Latrodectus geometricus

Latrodectus geometricus

name = Brown widow spider

image_width = 200px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Arachnida
ordo = Araneae
subordo = Araneomorphae
familia = Theridiidae
genus = "Latrodectus"
species = "L. geometricus"
binomial = "Latrodectus geometricus"
binomial_authority = Koch, 1841
The spider "Latrodectus geometricus", commonly known as the brown widow, grey widow, brown button spider, or geometric button spider, is one of the widow spiders in the genus "Latrodectus". As such, it is a "cousin" to the more famous black widow spider. The brown widow is found in parts of the northeastern and southern United States (including Florida, Alabama, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas); as well as in parts of Australia, South Africa and Cyprus. The origin of this species is uncertain, as specimens were independently discovered in both Africa and in the Americas. They are usually found around buildings in tropical areas.

"L. geometricus" is generally lighter in color than the black widow species—the color can range from tan to dark brown to black, with shades of grey also possible. Like the black widow species in the United States, "L. geometricus" has a prominent "hourglass" marking on the underside of the abdomen, however, the Brown Widow's hourglass is usually an orange or a yellowish color. Unlike the black widow, "geometricus" has a black-and-white "geometric" pattern on the dorsal side of its abdomen, although the name comes from this pattern a spider can and does darken over time and the pattern may not be visible.Brown Widows can be located by finding their eggsacks, which are easily identifiable. They resemble a sandspur, having pointed projections all over, and they are sometimes described as "spiky" in appearance. Eggs hatch in approximately 20 days (Jackman 2006, p. 2).

Like all "Latrodectus" species, "L. geometricus" has a medically significant neurotoxic venom. Dr. G.B. Edwards, a University of Florida arachnologist claims that brown widow venom is twice as potent as the black widow venom, but is usually confined to the bite area and surrounding tissue, as opposed to the Black Widow. Other sources say that the brown widow is less venomous than L mactans. Regardless, people who have been bitten typically describe the experience as very painful and extreme care should be taken when working or playing in the areas they inhabit.(Similar widows include the "L. rhodesienses", a brown-colored relative of "L. geometricus" which is native to Zimbabwe; both species are collectively known as brown button spiders throughout southern Africa).



External links

* [ Brown Widow Spiders article at University of Florida Extension, Sarasota]
* [ Brown Widow Fact Sheet and Photos from San Diego]

* [ Brown Widow Spider Images from Aug. 02 ,2008 Pinellas County Florida - as well as last years images. The Brown Widow is a "Cameleon" of the spider world. It has the ability to change its color to adapt to the surroundings it is in. The Brown Widow Spider is a mystical spider in that it can change its color like a Lizard - and is able to do so quite quickly]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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