- Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
The Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung (ZZF) (Center for Research on Contemporary History) is an independent and interdisciplinary research institute, focusing on German and
Europe ancontemporary history , based inPotsdam (Germany ).History
The ZZF was established in 1996 and succeeded the research program on Contemporary History of the
Max Planck Society , founded in 1992.The basic financial configuration is given by the federal state ofBrandenburg , whereas theDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) and various other foundations finance the numerous research projects. From 2009 the ZZF will be affiliated to theLeibniz-Gemeinschaft (Scientific Community Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz).Its current director is Martin Sabrow. Past directors include
Jürgen Kocka , Christoph Kleßmann, and Konrad H. Jarausch.Research
The main emphasis of the scientific papers and dissertations is the study on the history of the German division, the comparison of dictatorial regimes between the post-war states in Central and Eastern Europe as well as the history and the transformation of European memory culture. There is a diverse cooperation with various universities in
Berlin andBrandenburg . It ranges from the involvement of teaching and assisting Ph.D. students to the organization of joint academic conferences. Manyvisiting scholar s from Germany and abroad participate in the Center's research. The ZZF cooperates with numerous universities and research institutes from Germany and abroad. Furthermore does the Center work as a coordinator concerningmemorial s andmuseum s.Beyond research itself, the ZZF stresses the importance of transmitting work results to a scientific public. It does not only contribute with its work on research but with its public lectures, conferences, workshops and multimedia based websites to support historical and political education and public debates on contemporary issues, and the role of the past for present self-conception.
The ZZF’s own monograph series “Zeithistorische Studien” (Studies on Contemporary History) contains in spring 2008 44 volumes. Since 2006 the Center furthermore publishes an
almanac called “ZeitRäume” (TimeSpaces) in which various contemporary history contributions give a good impression on the diversity of research.The ZZF’s
web portal “Zeitgeschichte-online” (ContemporaryHistory-online) became one of the most important online information sources of contemporary history in Germany.In addition, the ZZF conceives and edits the open access
electronic journal “Zeithistorische Forschungen / Studies in Contemporary History”. This scientific journal is published simultaneously atVandenhoeck & Ruprecht in a printout version and is considered as a forum for German, European and global history of the 20th century.Together with the “Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung” (Federal Center for Political Education) and
Deutschlandradio the Center pioneers in the developing of scientific focused and at the same time popular designed multimedia contemporary history internet-websites.Both websites on the national uprising in the GDR on June 17 1953 ( [http://www.17Juni53.de 17Juni53.de] ) and on the history of the
Berlin Wall ( [http://www.chronik-der-mauer.de Chronik-der-Mauer.de] - Chronicle of the Wall) are frequently used by pupils, students, scholars, journalists and contemporary history interested. Together with the “Stiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur” (Government-funded organisation devoted to the examination and reappraisal of the Communist dictatorship in East Germany) and the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin the ZZF designed the website [http://www.ungarn1956.de Ungarn1956.de] (Hungary1956), which focuses on the backgrounds and impacts of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956.External links
* [http://www.zzf-pdm.de Official Website] Languageicon|de|German / Languageicon|en|English
* [http://www.zeitgeschichte-online.de Web Portal “Zeitgeschichte-online”] Languageicon|de|German
* [http://www.zeithistorische-forschungen.de Journal “Zeithistorische Forschungen / Studies in Contemporary History”] Languageicon|de|German – editorials and abstracts in Languageicon|en|English
* [http://www.eurhistxx.net EurHistXX.net] – A network of European research institutes for contemporary history Languageicon|en|English
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