- Prilep-Bitola dialect
The Prilep-Bitola dialect ( _mk. Прилепско-битолски дијалект, "Prilepsko-bitolski dijalekt") is a member of the central subgroup of the western group of dialects of the
Macedonian language . This dialect is mainly spoken in the towns ofPrilep andBitola and in surrounding areas in theRepublic of Macedonia , as well as by the Slavic-speaking minority population in and aroundFlorina (Lerin) [Леринскиот говор. Македонски jазик, 1983, ХХХIV, стр. 23-49.] [Hill, Peter. The Dialect of Gorno Kalenik 1991, Columbus, OH] in neighbouring Greek Macedonia. The Prilep-Bitola dialect, along with other peripheral west-central dialects, provides much of the basis for modern Standard Macedonian. [Makedonska gramatika by Krume KepeskiLanguage, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Apr. - Jun., 1951), pp. 180-187]Phonological characteristics
The phonological characteristics of the Prilep-Bitola dialect which also can also be found in the other peripheral dialects are:
* word stress (see Macedonian phonology)
*theyat has reflexed into IPA| [ɛ]
*absence of the IPA| [ɛ] group in third-person singular verbs (e.g. можи and биди versus the standard може and биде)
*absence of the intervocalic IPA| [v] in the plural forms of monosyllabic nouns (e.g. лебо(в)и, дождо(в)и, etc.) [ Граматика на македонскиот литературен јазик, Блаже Конески, Култура, Скопје 1967, стр.68]Morphological characteristics
definite article s pertaining to the position of the object (see Macedonian grammar)
*the third-person personal pronouns: тој, таа, тоа, тие (he, she, it, they)
*imperfective verbs are typically derived from perfective verbs by means of the suffix –ва (e.g. зборва and боледва)
*use of the oblique form for proper names [Friedman, Victor (1998), Macedonian: Comparative Grammar, Slavic and East European Language Research Center (SEELRC): p. 22]Typical Words
*Чупе – girl
*Пре(ѓ)е, пре(ѓ)еска – recently, lately
*Модистра – seamstressReferences
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