- Phidoloporidae
name = Phidoloporidae
fossil_range =Paleocene - Recent
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Bryozoa
classis =Gymnolaemata
ordo =Cheilostomata
subordo =Ascophora
familia = Phidoloporidae
familia_authority = Gabb & Horn,1862
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = See classificationThe Phidoloporidae is a family within the
bryozoa n orderCheilostomata . The colonies of many genera grow in an upright, branching manner, which gave rise to onecolloquial name for this group as 'lace corals'. Zooids generally open on one side of the branches.Classification
This family was previously commonly known as Reteporidae Smitt (1868), which is a
junior synonym of Reteporidae Gabb & Horn (1862).* Family Phidoloporidae
** Genus "Bryorachis "
** Genus "Chevron"
** Genus "Dentiporella "
** Genus "Dictyochasma "
** Genus "Fodinella "
** Genus "Hippellozoon "
** Genus "Hippopozoon "
** Genus "Iodictyum "
** Genus "Lifuella "
** Genus "Malleatia "
** Genus "Metacleidochasma "
** Genus "Phidolopora "
** Genus "Plesiocleidochasma "
** Genus "Psileschara "
** Genus "Psilosecos "
** Genus "Reteporella "
** Genus "Reteporellina "
** Genus "Rhynchozoon "
** Genus "Schedocleidochasma "
** Genus "Schizoretepora "
** Genus "Schizotheca "
** Genus "Sparsiporina "
** Genus "Stephanollona "
** Genus "Strophiella "
** Genus "Triphyllozoon
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