Ramen-Wurm — Der Ramen Wurm (englisch Ramen worm, auch inkorrekt Ramen virus) war ein Computerwurm, der im Januar 2001 in Umlauf war. Er befiel ausschließlich die Versionen 6.2 und 7.0 der Linux Distribution Red Hat. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Angriffsmethode 2… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ramen (disambiguation) — Ramen is a Japanese noodle dish.Ramen can also refer to:* Instant noodles * [http://www.ciac.org/ciac/bulletins/l 040.shtml Ramen (computer worm)] , a computer worm which infected computers running Red Hat Linux in early 2001 * A term used in the … Wikipedia
L10n worm — The L10n worm (usually pronounced lion ) was a Linux worm that spread in 2001 by exploiting a buffer overflow in the BIND DNS server. It was based on an earlier worm known as the Ramen virus which was written to target systems running versions… … Wikipedia
Malware — Malware, short for malicious software, consists of programming (code, scripts, active content, and other software) designed to disrupt or deny operation, gather information that leads to loss of privacy or exploitation, gain unauthorized access… … Wikipedia
Вредоносные программы для Unix-подобных систем — Вероятно, первые компьютерные вирусы для семейства ОС Unix были написаны Фредом Коэном в ходе проведения экспериментов. В конце 1980 х появились первые публикации с исходными текстами вирусов на языке sh.[1] … Википедия
Linux malware — includes viruses, trojans, worms and other types of malware that affect the Linux operating system. Linux, Unix and other Unix like computer operating systems are generally regarded as very well protected, but not immune, from computer viruses.… … Wikipedia
Liste des malwares Linux — Les systèmes d exploitation GNU/Linux, Unix et « Unix like » sont en général considérés comme protégés des virus informatiques[1]. En effet, jusqu à présent, aucun virus opérant sous Linux n a été répertorié comme étant très répandu,… … Wikipédia en Français
WU-FTPD — (more fully wuarchive ftpd, also frequently spelled in lowercase as wu ftpd) is a FTP server software (daemon) for Unix like operating systems.It was originally written by Chris Myers and Bryan D. O Connor in Washington University as a… … Wikipedia
The Land (fiction) — This article is about the setting for a series of books by Stephen R. Donaldson. For other uses, see The Land (disambiguation) The Land is the primary setting for the series of fantasy books by Stephen R. Donaldson called The Chronicles of Thomas … Wikipedia
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever — is a trilogy of fantasy novels by Stephen R. Donaldson. It was followed by The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant , also a trilogy, and The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant , a planned tetralogy.The main character is Thomas Covenant, a… … Wikipedia