Jean-Jacques Ampère

Jean-Jacques Ampère

Jean-Jacques Ampère (August 12, 1800 – March 27, 1864) was a French philologist and man of letters.

Born in Lyon, he was the only son of the physicist André-Marie Ampère. Jean-Jacques' mother died while he was an infant.

He studied the folk-songs and popular poetry of the Scandinavian countries in an extended tour in northern Europe. Returning to France in 1830, he delivered a series of lectures on Scandinavian and early German poetry at the Athenaeum in Marseille. The first of these was printed as "De l'Histoire de la poésie" (1830), and was practically the first introduction of the French public to the Scandinavian and German epics.

Moving to Paris, he taught at the Sorbonne, and became professor of the history of French literature at the Collège de France. A journey in northern Africa (1841) was followed by a tour in Greece and Italy, in company with Prosper Merimée and others. This bore fruit in his "Voyage dantesque" (printed in his "Grèce, Rome et Dante", 1848), which did much to popularize the study of Dante in France.

In 1848 he became a member of the Académie française, and in 1851 he visited America. From this time he was occupied with his chief work, "L'Histoire romaine à Rome" (4 vols., 1861-1864), until his death at Pau.

The "Correspondence et souvenirs" (2 vols.) of A-M and J-J Ampère (1805-1854) was published in 1875. Notices of J-J Ampère are to be found in Sainte-Beuve's "Portraits littéraires," vol. iv., and "Nouveaux Lundis," vol. xiii.; and in P Mérimée's "Portraits historiques et littéraires" (2nd ed., 1875).



###@@@KEY@@@###succession box
title= Seat 37
Académie française | years=1847–1864
before= Alexandre Guiraud
after= Lucien-Anatole Prévost-Paradol

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