Khanqah of Baybars II

Khanqah of Baybars II

the Khanqah of Baybars II, located in Islamic Cairo, in the Muizz Street, was built in 1309, to accommodate four hundred Sufis, and children of the Mamluks. this is the oldest Khanqah (which is a Hostel) that has survived in Cairo.

Baybars II, known as al-gashankir ("the taster", a court position he held at one point), decorated the building lavishly. Within the confines of the irregular site, the various functions were interwoven into an architecturally rich building complex.

The Minaret, capped with ribbed Dome that was once covered with green Faience tiles, is located on the south side of the building. The first Tier is square and trimmed with rows of stalactites, or Muqarnas vaulting, while the second is cylindrical. The elegant facade has an imposing arched entrance that projects in to the street. The doorway is set back in a marble recess covered with a hood of stalactites. A block of pharaonic stone engraved with hieroglyphics was used for the doorstill.

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