Paul Juon

Paul Juon

Paul Juon ( _ru. Павел Фёдорович Юон March 6 1872–August 21 1940) was a Moscow-born composer and student of Anton Arenskycite web|title=Juon Biography|url=|publisher=MusInfo: The Database of Swiss Music|accessdate=2007-12-10] , Sergei Taneyev and Woldemar Bargiel. His younger brother Konstantin Yuon was a notable painter.

He entered conservatory in 1889, where he studied violin with Jan Hrimaly. His first (privately) printed works, two "Romanzen" (lieder) appeared in 1894, the year he began studies with Bargiel. Several years later he moved to Berlin, and in 1934 from there to Switzerland. During his time in Berlin he was a composition professor, employed by Joseph Joachim; his students included Heinrich Kaminski, Stefan Wolpe, Philipp Jarnach, Max Trapp, Henry Jolles [ Musica Reanimata of Berlin, Henry Jolles] accessed September 28, 2008] , and Gunnar Johansen. He moved to and retired in Switzerland in 1934, and died in Vevey.

His works include sonatas for viola, cello, winds, and three for violin (the third was recorded on a multi-LP set called "Musik zwischen den Kri
symphonies (including one in manuscript) and also a chamber symphony, four string quartets, several piano trios, piano quartets and piano quintets as well as one sextet for piano and strings from 1902 and a wind quintet, a number of concerted works including three violin concerti and a triple concerto with piano trio (another in the line of concertos from Beethoven's onwards, like those by Benjamin Frankel and Nikolai Tcherepnin also), many piano works and lieder, and a number of stage works including an opera "Aleko".

Several of these works have been recorded on compact disc, including several of the sonatas, two of the concertos, all four string quartets and all of the piano trios.


* " Aleko ", opera, 1896
* " Psyche ", op. 32, Tanzpoem, 1906
* " the Golden Temple Book ", stage music, 1912
* " the Poor Broom Makers ", stage music, 1913
* " Wächterweise" in E major, Fantasie nach dänischen Volksl., for orchestra, Op. 31, 1906cite web|title=Worklist - Orchestra|publisher=Internationale Juon-Gesellschaft|url=|accessdate=2007-12-10]
* Violin Concerto in B minor, op. 42, 1909
* Violin Concerto in A major, op. 49, 1912
* Violin Concerto in A minor, op. 88, 1931
* "Episodes Concertantes" for Piano Trio and Orchestra, op. 45, by 1911 [Google books|90mKqTQr9KwC|Musical Times and Singing Class Circular. p. 816, December 1, 1911 issue. Announcement of Two Performances of This Work in 1911.]
* "Mysterien" for Cello and Orchestra, op. 59, 1928
* Four string quartets: D major opus 5 (1896), B minor op. 11 (1896), A minor op. 29 (1904), String quartet, op. 67 (1916)cite web|title=Paul Juon CD Discography|publisher=Internationale Juon-Gesellschaft|url=|accessdate=2007-12-10]
* Three violin sonatas, op. 7 in A (1898), op. 69 in F (1920) and op. 86 in B minor (1930) cite web|title=Worklist - Chamber Music|url=|publisher=Internationale Juon-Gesellschaft|accessdate=2007-12-10]


External links

* [ Internationale Juon-Gesellschaft]
*IMSLP|id=Juon, Paul|cname=Paul Juon
* [ Paul Juon Sound-bites & information on several chamber music works]

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