Festgesang an die Künstler
- Festgesang an die Künstler
Felix Mendelssohn composed the cantata Festgesang an die Künstler, Op. 68, in 1846 as an entry to a German-Flemish song competition,[1] and it was published later that same year. Some sources confuse this Festgesang with one written in 1840 for the Gutenberg Festival at Leipzig, the Festgesang (Gutenberg cantata). The piece is a setting of verses by Friedrich Schiller for a men's choir and 13 brass instruments.[1][2]
- ^ a b Rudolf Potyra, "Beispielhafte Klangschönheit und Präzision" (Examples of tonal beauty and precision), in Frankischer Tag, 22 March 1999. Retrieved 2010-02-28.
- ^ Cooper, John Michael, "Mendelssohn's works: prolegomenon to a comprehensive inventory" in Seaton, Douglas, The Mendelssohn companion (Westport, Conn. and London: Greenwood Press, 2001, p. 721).
Categories: - Compositions by Felix Mendelssohn
- Cantatas
- 1846 compositions
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