Jim Herrick

Jim Herrick

Jim Herrick (born 1944) is a British Humanist and secularist. He studied history and English literature at Trinity College, Cambridge University, and then worked as a school teacher for seven years. He has written or edited several books on humanism or the history of freethought.

Herrick is a director of the Rationalist Press Association and was editor of its journal "New Humanist" for 18 years from 1984. He subsequently became literary editor of "New Humanist" until his retirement in 2005. He was the recipient of the second International Rationalist Award in the year 2002.

He was editor of "International Humanist News", published by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU). In 1996 he received the Distinguished Humanist Service Award from the IHEU.

From January 1977 until 1981, Herrick edited "The Freethinker". He later wrote that publication's centenary history. He was a founder member of the Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association.

Herrick is currently a vice-president of the National Secular Society.


*"Humanism: An Introduction". (2003). ISBN 0-301-00301-7. (Also published by Prometheus Books, 2005. ISBN 1-59102-239-8

*"Humanist Anthology: From Confucius to David Attenborough". (1995). London, Rationalist Press Association. Edited by Margaret Knight; 2nd edition, revised by Jim Herrick. ISBN 0-301-94001-0

*"Against the Faith: Some Deists, Skeptics and Atheists". (1985). London: Glover & Blair. ISBN 0-906681-09-X (Also published by Prometheus Books, 1994. ISBN 0-87975-288-2).

*"Vision and Realism: A Hundred Years of The Freethinker". (1982). London: GW Foote & Co. ISBN 0-9508243-0-5

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