Litteris et Artibus

Litteris et Artibus

Litteris et Artibus is a Swedish royal medal established in 1853 by Charles XV of Sweden, who was then crown prince. It is awarded to people who have made important contributions to culture, especially music, dramatic art and literature.

The front side of the medal has the image of the current King while the backside has the text "Litteris et artibus".

elected recipients

* 2008 - Lars Norén
* 2007 - Carola Häggkvist
* 2006 - Henning Mankell
* 2003 - Marie Fredriksson
* 1999 - Björn Ulvaeus
* 1986 – Bengt Hambraeus
* 1981 - Tage Danielsson
* 1978 - Povel Ramel
* 1975 - Astrid Lindgren
* 1973 - Erland Josephson
* 1969 - Eric Ericson
* 1968 - Nicolai Gedda
* 1960 - Birgit Nilsson
* 1932 - Oskar Lindberg
* 1920 - Wilhelm Kempff
* 1916 - Hugo Alfvén
* 1914 - Alice Tegnér
* 1907 - Armas Järnefelt
* 1865 - Elise Hwasser

External links

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