Hermann Schäufele

Hermann Schäufele

Hermann Schäufele (November 14, 1906 - June 26, 1977) was the
Archbishop of Freiburg from 1958-1977, appointed by Pope Pius XII. He participated in the Vatican Council II.

Schäufele studied theology in Freiburg and Rome. He was ordained in 1931. During the Nazi years, Schäufele continued
theological and philosophical studies, leading to doctorates in both disciplines. In 1946, he became director of the Episcopal seminary Borromaeum for the formation of priests. In April 1955, he was consecrated as bishop, [de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Schäufele] - functioning as the only auxiliary in the large archdioceses with almost 2000 priests. After the death of the Archbishop of Freiburg, Schäufele was appointed by Pope Pius XII as his successor. He assumed his office on September 16 1958. [de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Schäufele]

He founded schools, hospitals and research institutes. In the Sixties, he became known for an initiative, "Year for the Church", by which young people volunteered one year for Church service. Theologically conservative, he was open to ecumenical dialogues. A deeply spiritual person and fervent admirer of the Virgin Mary, he prayed daily the rosary. He died during his annual vacations in Austria on June 26 1977, aged 70, while reciting the rosary. [www.kathpedia.com/index.php?title=Hermann_Schäufele]

Relation to Pope Pius XII

Becoming archbishop of Freiburg on September 16, 1958, Schäufelewas one of the last appointees of the Pontiff, who died only three weeks later. Hermann Schäufele assisted in the translation and edition of the "Soziale Summe Pius XII", which lists all speeches and writings of Pope Pius XII, and includes the text of all non-theological ones. While there are listings and summary editions of the theology of the Pope in several languages, this edition is as of date the only complete publication of the non-theological writings of the late pontiff in any language. [ Pius XII, Aufbau und Entfaltung des Gesellschafltichen Lebens, Paulus, Freiburg, Switzerland 1961]

In 1946, Schäufele published a book on the social order and international relations according to the teachings of Pope Pius XII. [Hermann Schäufele, Pius XII, Papst Zur Neuordnung im Staats- und Völkerleben. Ansprachen. Waibstadt (bei Heidelberg), Kemper 1946. 19 cm. 250 Seiten - Ansprachen aus den Jahren 1939 - 1946] As archbishop, he regularly quoted from the teachings, encylicals and speeches of Pope Pius XII.


* Hermann Schäufele, "Pius XII, Papst, Zur Neuordnung im Staats- und Völkerleben. Ansprachen." Waibstadt (bei Heidelberg), Kemper 1946. 19 cm. 250 Seiten

* Gehrig, Helmut, "Über das Bischöfliche Amt : Festakademie anlässlich d. 60. Geburtstages Seiner Exzellenz d. hochwürdigsten Herrn Erzbischofs von Freiburg Hermann Schäufele" / [Hrsg. Helmut Gehrig] Paolo Marella .... - Karlsruhe : Badenia Verl., 1966 [erschienen] 1967. - 83 S.; (dt.) (Veröffentlichungen der Katholischen Akademie der Erzdiözese Freiburg ; 4) Festschrift Hermann Schäufele


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