

Bhata is small village in the Union Council of Kuri Dolal. Bhata is located in the middle of the Mandrah to Chowk Pindori road. The population of Bhata is about 5,000. The first ever Councilor of Bhata and member of The Union Council was Haji Chaudhary Fazal Ghafoor (late). For forty years he remained a member of the Union Council. Ch. Fazal Ghafoor, a helper to the poor, and a well-known person through out Rawalpindi and Gujar Khan, up until today. Haji Muhammad Munir Janjua, the current Nazim of Kuri Dolal Union Council was born in Bhata. He is the brother of former Nazim Dr. Muhmmad Ilyas Janjua. Ilyas Janjua and Munir Janjua


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