Vaçe Zela

Vaçe Zela

Vace Zela (born Vaçe Zela in Lushnje, April 7 1939) is an Albanian singer. She began her career at a young age and in 1962 was the first to win the Albanian Song Festival (Festivali I Kenges). A 10 time winner of the festival, Vace gained fame during the communist era and was awarded the "Merited Artist" prize in 1973 and the "People's Artist" prize in 1977. On 24 December 2002 she was decorated with the Honor of the Nation by the Albanian president, Alfred Moisiu.

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  • Vaçe Zela — (* 7. April 1939 in Lushnja) ist eine albanische Sängerin von Volksmusik bis Schlager. Als zehnfache Gewinnerin des albanischen Musikvestivals Festivali i Këngës gilt sie in Albanien als musikalische Legende. So gewann sie im Jahr 1962 die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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