

Fiacha (earlier Fíachu) is a name borne by numerous figures from Irish history and mythology, including:

* Fiacha Cennfinnán, High King of Ireland in the 16th or 20th century BC
* Fiacha mac Delbaíth, High King in the 14th or 18th century BC
* Fiacha Labhrainne, High King in the 11th or 15th century BC
* Fiacha Finscothach, High King in the 10th or 14th century BC
* Fiacha Finnailches, High King in the 9th or 13th century BC
* Fiacha Tolgrach, High King in the 6th or 9th century BC
* Fiacha Sraibhtine, High King in the 3rd century BC
* Fiacha Finnfolaidh, High King in the 1st century AD
* Fiacha Muilleathan, a king of Munster in the 3rd century AD
* Fiachu mac Néill, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages

The name is often confused with the similar names Fiachra or Fiachna.

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