Sengann mac Dela

Sengann mac Dela

Sengann, son of Dela, of the Fir Bolg was a legendary High King of Ireland, succeeding his brothers Gann and Genann. His wife was Anust.

When the Fir Bolg invaded Ireland the five sons of Dela divided the island amongst themselves. Sengann landed with Gann at Inber Dubglaise and the pair divided Munster between them, Sengann taking the south and Gann the north of the province.

After death of Gann and Genann of plague, Sengann ruled Ireland for five years, before he was killed by Fiacha Cennfinnán, his brother Rudraige's grandson.


* "Lebor Gabála Érenn"
* Annals of the Four Masters
* Seathrún Céitinn's "Foras Feasa ar Érinn"

:"For other characters of the same name, see Sengann."

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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