

Infobox mineral
name = Altaite
category =
boxwidth =
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imagesize = 200 px
caption = Altaite from New Mexico
formula = PbTe
molweight = 334.8 g/mol
color = tin white to yellowish white; tarnishing to bronze yellow
habit = include cubic and octahedral crystals; but much more commonly found in massive and granular forms
system = Isometric
twinning =
cleavage = perfect in three directions forming cubes
fracture = Uneven
mohs = 2.5 - 3
luster = metallic
refractive =
opticalprop =
birefringence =
pleochroism =
streak = Black
gravity = 8.2 - 8.3
density =
melt =
fusibility =
diagnostic =
solubility =
diaphaneity =
other =

Altaite also known as lead telluride is a yellowish white mineral with an isometric crystal structure. Altaite is in the galena group of minerals as it shares many of properties of galena. Altaite has an unusually high density for a light colored mineral. Altaite and other rare tellurides are classified in the sulfide mineral class (Dana classification).

Altaite was discovered in 1845 in the Altai Mountains. Besides these mountains altaite can also be found in Zyrianovsk, Kazakhstan; the Ritchie Creek Deposit in Price County, Wisconsin; the Koch-Bulak gold deposit in Kazakhstan; Moctezuma, Mexico; and Coquimbo, Chile among other locations.

See also

List of minerals


* [ Mindat data with locations]
* [ Webmineral data]

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