- Sari Saltik
Sari Saltik ( _tr. Sarı Saltuk, Ottoman Turkish: rtl- _ot. صارى صالتق _ot. "ṢarUnicode|ı̊ ṢaltUnicode|ı̊q", also referred as "Sari Saltuk Baba" or "Dede") (d. 1297/1298) [according to
Yusuf an-Nabhani , "Ğami Karamat'l-Awliya", quoted in Kiel, "Ottoman urban development...", p. 286] was a 13th-century semi-legendary Turkishdervish , venerated as a saint by theBektashis in theBalkans and parts ofMiddle East .Historical figure
According to the 17th-century traveller
Evliya Çelebi , his real name was Mehmed, and he originated fromBukhara .Babinger, "Ṣari Ṣaltik Dede", p. 172] According to 14th-century Moroccan travelerIbn Battuta , Saltik was an "ecstatic devotee", although "things are told of him that are reproved by the Divine Law".Norris, "Islam in the Balkans", pp. 146-47.] He is considered by various sources a disciple ofMahmud Hayran , [Wittek, "Yazijioghlu 'Ali on the Christian Turks...", p. 658] ofHajji Bektash Wali , [Babinger, "Ṣari Ṣaltik Dede", p. 171] or of one of the successors ofAhmed ar-Rifa'i . [Kiel, "Ottoman urban development...", p. 287] In afetwa by the 16th centurySheikh ul-Islam Ebu's-su'ud , Sari Saltik is considered a "Christian monk" who became a skeleton byasceticism . [Wittek, "Yazijioghlu 'Ali on the Christian Turks...", p. 660] Early 20th century historian Frederick Hasluck considered him a saint of a Tatar tribe fromCrimea , which had brought his cult into Dobruja, from where it was spread by the Bektashis. [Bquote|Sari Saltik, the Bektashi apostle par excellence ofRumeli , seems to have had a similar history. He appears to have been originally the saint of a Tatar tribe in the Crimea, which emigrated to Baba Dagh in Rumania, carrying its cult with it. Developed by the Bektashi, Sari Saltik loses every trace of his real origin and figures as one of the missionary saints sent by Ahmed Yasevi for the conversion of Europe.|x|x|Hasluck|"Christianity and Islam under the Sultans", p. 340]According to the 15th-century "Oghuz-name" narative, in 1261 he accompanied a group of Anatolia Turkomans into
Dobruja , where they were settled by the Byzantine EmperorMichael VII to protect the northern frontier of the empire. The same source places him in Crimea after 1265, along the Turkomans transferred there by Tatar khanBerke , and after 1280 mentions him leading the nomads back to Dobruja. [Wittek, "Yazijioghlu 'Ali on the Christian Turks...", pp. 648-649, 659] [bquote|Yazicioğlu 'Alī , who wrote during the reign ofMurad II (1421-51), says that 'Izz al-Dīn Kaykā'ūs II, who was threatened by his brother, found refuge with his followers at the court of the Byzantine emperor. He fought the latter's enemies, and as a reward the latter gave them the Dobrudja. The Turkish clans were summoned, and with Ṣarī Ṣaltiq (Sari Saltik) as their leader, they crossed over fromÜsküdar and then proceeded to the Dobrudja.|x|x|Norris|"Islam in the Balkans", pp. 146-47.] After the death of Sari Saltik, part of the Turkomans returned to Anatolia, while other remained and became Christians, [Wittek, "Yazijioghlu 'Ali on the Christian Turks...", pp. 661-662] becoming the ancestors of theGagauz people . [Wittek, "Yazijioghlu 'Ali on the Christian Turks...", pp. 666] This migration has characteristics of a folk epic "destan", and its historicity is doubted by some scholars.Legacy in Babadag
The town of
Babadag (Turkish, Babadağ, "Mountain of the Baba"), in theRomania n Dobruja, identified with the town of "Baba Saltuq" visited in 1331/1332 by Ibn Battuta, [Other scholars have suggested Ibn Battuta's Baba Saltuq should be placed in the steppes of Southern Russia] is said to be named after him. [Kiel, "Ottoman urban development...", p. 284] The oldest sources about Sari Saltik available place his tomb in the area of the future town. [Kiel, "Ottoman urban development...", pp. 286-287] This tomb was visited in 1484/1485 by Ottoman SultanBayezid II during a military campaign, and, after reporting an important victory, he ordered the building of a socio-religious and educational complex here (including a mausoleum to Saltik, finished in 1488), around which the town developed. According to Evliya Çelebi, a marble sarcophagus was found during the construction, with a Tatar inscription attesting it was the tomb of the saint. However this miraculous discovery is not mentioned in other sources talking about the sultan's passage through the town. [Kiel, "Ottoman urban development...", pp. 290-292]Babadag became an important place of pilgrimage, visited in 1538 by
Suleiman the Magnificent , and the most important urban centre in 16th-century Dobruja. The town however decayed during the frequent wars that ravaged the region during the 17th century, and was eventually burned down, along with the mausoleum to Saltik, during theRusso-Turkish Wars . [Kiel, "Ottoman urban development...", pp. 294-296] A simple domedtürbe was rebuilt over the grave of the saint in 1828. [Kiel, "Ottoman urban development...", p. 298] The mausoleum in Babadag remains of relative importance even nowadays, and was recently renovated, being reinaugurated in 2007 by Turkish prime-ministerRecep Tayyip Erdoğan . [Citation |journal=Ziua de Constanţa|author=ROMPRES |title=Premierul Republicii Turcia a vizitat Babadagul|date=2007-10-27|url=http://www.ziuact.ro/display.php?data=2007-10-27&id=223973|accessdate=2008-04-09]Legendary figure
In various legends he is identified with Christian saints (
Saint George ,Elijah ,Saint Nicholas , Saint Simeon,Saint Naum orSaint Spyridon ). According to a legend, his body was buried in seven coffins, in remote towns in the lands of the "Infidels". Nowadays, alleged tombs (türbe ) are found over the Balkans (Blagaj village ofMostar ,Krujë ,Kaliakra ) and westernAnatolia (İznik ). [cite web |url=http://archnet.org/library/sites/one-site.jsp?site_id=3021 |title=Sari Saltuk Tomb|accessdate=2008-04-09 |publisher=ArchNet ]Notes
*cite encyclopedia |first=Franz|last=Babinger|authorlink=Franz Babinger|title=Ṣari Ṣaltik Dede|encyclopedia=First Encyclopaedia of Islam| pages=p. 171-172|volume=VII|editor=Houtsma, M. Th. et all|publisher=E.J. Brill|origdate=1913-1936|year=1993|location=Leiden| |ISBN=9004097961
*cite book|last=Hasluck|first=F. W.|authorlink=Frederick William Hasluck|title=Christianity and Islam under the Sultans|chapter=XXXII. Sari Saltik|volume=II|origdate=1929|publisher=Hasluck Press|date=2007|isbn=1406758876|pages=pp. 429-439
*cite book|last=Norris|first=H. T.|title=Islam in the Balkans: Religion and Society Between Europe and the Arab World|date=1993|publisher=University of South Carolina Press|isbn=0872499774
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