Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability

Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability

The Bernoulli Society is a professional association which aims to further the progress of probability and mathematical statistics. It does this by taking advantage of an interlinked international network of professionals, focussing on the expansion of theoretical research and applications, the transmission of knowledge to both specialists and non specialists, and the advancement of appropriate teaching methods. Mathematical statisticians and probabilists from all around the world may take advantage of the benefits and opportunities which Bernoulli Society membership provides. Interacting in this network of probabilists and mathematical statisticians facilitates the eradication of potential obstructions between statisticians or probabilists working in the academia, as well as those active in agricultural, meteorological, industrial, medical and related organisations. The Bernoulli Society has been a Section of the ISI since 1975 (originally founded in 1961, it was previously known as the International Association for Statistics in the Physical Sciences).

External links and references

* [ Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability]
* [ International Statistical Institute]

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