Phulkian Sardars Sidhu-Brar bans

Phulkian Sardars Sidhu-Brar bans

=Eponym =

The Phoolka family had descended from the celebrated Phool, their eponym, from whom descended the rulers of Patiala , Jind , Nabha as well as the Chiefs of Bhadaur, Malaudh and Badrukhan and the Sardars of Juindan, Laudhgarh, Dyalpura, Rampura and Kot Duna. The early progenitors of the Phoolka House were scions of the Princely Rajput family of Jaisulmer who left their desert homes around the time of Rai Pithora and established themselves around the country of Hisar, Sirsa and Bhatner. Maharaja Ala Singh of Patiala descended from Phool and to his genius must be ascribed the remarkable and rapid rise of the family in the first stages of its history. [Indian States: A Biographical, Historical, and Administrative Survey By Somerset Playne, R. V. Solomon, J. W. Bond pp.230] The Phoolka Sardars trace their genealogy from the Raja of Jaisalmer Rawal Jaisal , Yadu Bhatti Rajput of Chandra Vanshi clan and descendants of Lord Krishna, "Avatar" of Lord Vishnu. [Rajas of the Punjab pp. 273 H Lepel Griffin]

Common Founder

Phool, a Sidhu Brar was the founder of this family. [History of the Jats Chapter XI Phulkian Dynasty Ram Swarup Joon 1938] [ Historical Sikh Events: Phulkian Misl] ] Phool's eldest son Tiloka was the ancestor of the Nabha, Jind and Badrukhan royal families and his second son Rama sired six sons and out of Dunna, Ala Singh and Bakhta sprang the princely states of Bhadaur, Patiala and Malaudh which were the most important of the Cis-Satluj States belonging to Phoolkian Misl. Collaterally, the descendants of Phool were connected with the rulers of Faridkot , the extinct Kaithal family, and the feudatories of Arnauli, Jhumba, Saddhuwal, and, north of the Sutlej, Attari. These numerous branches of a vigorous stock belonged to the great Sidhu-Brar tribe, the most powerful Jat clan south of the Sutlej . [History of the Sikhs from the Origin of the Nation to the Battles of the Sutlej Chap.V pp.116 Phulkias By Joseph Davey Cunningham, H. L. O.]

Maharawal Jaisal to Phool

Maharawal Jaisal, having founded the State of Jaisalmer in 1156 A.D. was driven from his kingdom by a rebellion and took refuge with Prithvi Raj Chauhan, the last Hindu King of Delhi and later settled near Hissar. [A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier pp.421 By H.A. Rose, IBBETSON, Maclagan] Hemhel, his son, sacked that town and overran the country up to Delhi but was repulsed by Shams-ud-din Altamash. Subsequently, in 1212, that ruler made him governor of the Sirsa and Bhatinda country. But his great-grandson Mangal Rao, having rebelled against the Muhammadan sovereign of Delhi, was beheaded at Jaisalmer. His grandson, Khiwa, sank to the status of a Jat by contracting a marriage with a woman of that class; and though the great Siddhu-Barar tribe in the following centuries spread itself far and wide over the Malwa country up to and even beyond the Sutlej, the descendants of Khiwa fell into poverty and obscurity, until one of them, Sanghar, entered the service of the emperor Babur with a few followers. Sanghar himself fell at First Battle of Panipat in 1526 A.D. when Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodhi ; but the Mughal emperor rewarded his devotion by granting his son Baryam the chaudhriyat or intendancy of the waste country south-west of Delhi and thus restored the fortunes of the family. The grant was confirmed by Humayun ; but in 1560 Baryam fell fighting against the Muhammadan Bhattis, at once the kinsmen and hereditary foes of the Siddhu tribe. Baryam was succeeded as chaudhry by his son Mahraj and his grandson Mohan who were both engaged in constant warfare with the Bhattis, until Mohan was compelled to flee to Hansi and Hissar, whence he returned with a considerable force of his tribesmen, defeated the Bhattis at Bhedowal, and on the advice of the Sikh Guru Har Gobind founded Mahraj in Ferozepore District. But the contest with the Bhattis was soon renewed, and Mohan and his son Rup Chand were killed by them in a skirmish about 1618. His second son Kala succeeded to the chaudhriyat and became the guardian of Phool and Sandali, the sons of Rup Chand. [Imperial Gazetteer of India Vol. XX Phulkian States pp.131-135]

Blessed by the Gurus

Phool along with his brother Sandali became orphans in 1618 A.D.and both were taken under the wings of their Uncle Chaudhary Kala who founded Mehraj on the advice of the sixth Guru Hargobind . They both visited Guru Hargobind as youngsters, it is said that their uncle told them to rap their bellies to indicate to the Guru the poverty and hunger they were enduring. On being told his name was Phool which means flower, the Guru Hargobind said, “ "The name shall be a True Omen, and he shall bear many blossoms" .” The Guru blessed Phool and is said to have told him that he would make a King. [All about Sikhs] When Shah Jehans army attacked the Guru in 1635 at Lehra near Mehraj, Kala along with his clan sided firmly with him. The Guru ended victorious. A happy Guru Har Gobind asked Kala to fence as much land he wanted to. By evening, Kala had marked twenty-two villages and put his fence (Morhi) into the ground. The Bhullar Jats, who considered themselves to be the original dwellers and owners of this area removed his fence and threw it into a well. When Kala complained against this to the Guru, he remarked: "Bhai Kala, your roots have reached to the other world." Hence, Kala founded a village and named it as Mehraj.

The Guru Har Rai had blessed him thus: "You feeleth hunger now, worry no more...your house shall be a very big Charity House ....donating and feeding many…….the horses of you Armies shall graze in grasslands spanning the area between the Yamuna and Sutlej " and the prophecy of the Guru was fulfilled. [The Great Gurus of the Sikhs pp. 226 O.P.Ralhan] [ [ Guru Har Rai's Preaching Tours] ]

The sons of Phool, Tilok Singh and Ram Singh were blessed with "Khande da Pahul" by Guru Gobind Singh himself at Damdama Sahib. Guru Gobind Singh in a Hukamnama (royal edict) addressed to the two sons of Phool, Rama & Tiloka on 2nd August, 1696 , called upon them for aid in his fight with the Hill Rajas proclaiming " tera ghar mera asey " meaning Your House is My Own bestowing special status on the HOUSE of PHOOL. [History of the Sikh Gurus] It is said that it is because of this blessing from Guru Sahib that the other 11 Misls never attacked the Phulkian States despite some provocations. They were blessed with the "Apaar kirpa" of Guru Gobind Singh evidence of which can be seen in the Patiala Hukumnama sent by Guru Sahib in 1696 A.D. [The Panjab Past and Present By Punjabi University Deptt. of Punjab Historical Studies pp.154] Its translation into English reads:

"There is one God. The Guru is great. It is the order of the Guru. Bhai Rama and Bhai Tiloka, the Guru will protect all. You are required to come with your contingent. I am much pleased with you. Your house is my own. On seeing this letter you should come in my presence. Your house is my refuge. You should come to me immediately.On seeing this letter you should arrive with horsemen. You must come. A Sirpau (robe of honour or Jorra) for you is being sent . Keep it with you. Bhadson 2 Samat 1653 Bikrami"

This was the initiation of the prestigious Sikh Sirpau or Siropa, as it is popularly known. Bhai Tiloka and Bhai Rama had been the most ardent devotees of Guru Gobind Singh and had won Guruji's favour by showing extraordinary valour in battles and were baptised by Guruji himself at Damdama Sahib.

Phoolkian Dynasty Genealogy

*I. BUDDHAPatriarch of the Yadu Race of Chandra Vanshi Clan.Espoused Ella, a princess of Surya race.
*II. PRURURWARajput King of the Yadu race and founder of Mathura which remained their seat of power.Had issue:
*III. AYUHad issue:
*IV. HARI KRISHNAFounded Dwarka (computed by Historians to be about 1100 years before Christ).Exterminated in the conflict of Dwarka.Had eight wives.
*V. PRIDEMASon of Hari & Rookhmani (his first wife).Married a princess of Bidarba who bore him two sons:(i) ANURAD(ii) BUJRA
*VI. BUJRA Had issue two sons:(i) NABA(ii) KHIRA

*VII. NABA [Annals and Antiquities of Rajputana Lt.Col. James Tod] Yadu Rajput King of Mathura & Dwarka. Son of Burja Chandra Vanshi (Lunar Clan). Compelled to flee to Marusthali (conjectured to be Merv, now a part of Iran) from Dwarka by other Rajput tribes long subjugated by the Yadus. Had issue:
*IX. BAHUBALEspoused Kamlavati, his chief queen daughter of Vijaya Sinh, Prince of Malwa who bore him one son Bahu (meaning strong).
*X. BAHUDied by a fall from his horse.Had issue:
*XI. SUBAHUMarried daughter of Raja Mund Chauhan of Ajmer who bore him a son Rijh but poisoned and killed her husband.
*XII. RAJA RIJHRuled Marusthali (Land of The Dead in Sanskrit) for twelve years. Married Soobhag Sundri, daughter of Ber Sinh Prince of Malwa.Invaded & vanquished Farid Shah of Khorasan (Persia, Iran) who lost 30,000 men and Raja Rijh lost 4,000 in two battles. Had issue:
*XIII. RAJA GUJ ( Gaja )Occupied Ghazni, Afghanistan making it his stronghold. Married Hansavati, daughter of Judbhan.Erected a huge fortress amidst the mountains and called it Gujni after himself as foretold by the Guardian Goddess of the Yadu race. Lost Ghazni to Khorasan who held it for sometime.Fought a fierce battle with Shah of Khorasan Shah Mamraiz & SekanderRoomi resulting in the destruction of thirty two thousand men.Conquered all the countries to the west.Invaded Kandrupkel in Kashmir and later married the daughter of its Prince by whom he had a son, Salbahan
*XIV. SHALBAHAN Driven out from Ghazni by Mamnenez, King of Khorasan. Married daughter of Jaipal Tuar of Delhi. Had fifteen sons; all went on to be Rajas & set up their own Kingdoms. Conquered Punjab & established his capital at Sialkot.Expelled from Kabul but returned to defeat the Indo-Scythians in a decisivebattle at Kohror near Multan and regained Ghazni.Established the Saka era from the date of battle & assumed title of Sakari (foe-of-the-Sakas)Founded city of Salabhana near Lahore in S.V.72. His eldest son was Baland.
*XV. BAL BAND ( Baland ) Left Ghazni to the charge of his grandson, Chakito who later became King of Baloch Bukhara from whom descended the Chakito Mughals.Shifted his capital to Salbahanpur and had issue seven sons.Invaded by the Kings of Syria & Khorasan but repulsed their attacks.Kullar, his third son had eight sons most of whom embraced Islam. Jinj, his fourth son had seven sons.
*XVI. BHATTI RAOSucceeded his father Baland.Changed the patronymic of Yadu to Bhatti and thenceforth known as Bhatti Rajputs.Conquered fourteen Princes around his Kingdom and added to his fortunes. Held court at Lahore. [Bhatti Chroniclers: Jaisalmer] Had issue two sons:(i) MANGAL RAO(ii) MUSUR RAO
*XVII. MANGAL RAOPushed back by King of Ghazni, Dhundi.Moved to Mer with his tribe (in the Great Indian Thar Desert). [Journal of Asiatic Society Appendix Useful Tables By James Princep pp.112] Had issue six sons:(i) MAJAM RAO(ii) KULURSI(iii) MOOLRAJ (iv) SEORAJ (v) BHUL (vi) KEWALA
*XVIII. MAJAM RAOSolemnized marriage with daughter of Soda prince of Amerkote.Laid the foundation of a castle across the Sutlej and named it Tannote after Tunna Mata but died before its completion.Had issue three sons:(i) KEHAR(ii) MOOLRAJ(iii) GOGLI
*XIX. KEHAR RAOMarried daughter of Allansi Deora of Jhallore. Renowned for his exploits. Invaded the Barahas in 730 A.D.In 731 A.D.,completed the construction of fort at Tanote making it his capital. Had issue five sons:(i) TUNNO(ii) OTIRAO(iii) CHUNNUR(iv) KAFRIO(v) THAEM
*XX. TUNNO RAOFound hidden treasure & erected a fortress naming it Bijnot in A.D.757 in Cholistan Desert S.787Died after a reign of eighty years.
*XXI. Rao BIJI BHATI Succeeded Tunno in 814 A.D. Engaged in continual feud with the Langahas & Barahas whom he plundered. Later, Bijirao & eight hundred of his kin and Clan treacherously massacred by his enemies. 336 Bikrami Sambat
*XXII. Rawal DEORAJ Escaped to Boota, his maternal abode after the carnage. Founded Hanumangarh (then Bhatner in Rajasthan) Ruled 853-908 A.D.. Was the first to take the title of Rawal (King)Founded the city of Dera Rawal and Derawar Fort in 853 A.D. Conquered Lodorva from Lodra Rajputs in 9th century (Rajasthan).Excavated several lakes in Khadal including Tunnosirr and Deosirr.Slain by Choona Rajputs while on a hunt having reigned for fifty five years.Had two sons:(i) MUNDH (ii) CHEDU
*XXIII. Rawal MUNDH ( Munda )Ruled 908-979 A.D.Had issue:
*XXIV. Rawal BACHERAJ ( Bachera )Married daughter of Raja Ballab Sen Solanki of Patan in 1011 A.D.Ruled 979-1044. Founded Bhatinda in 965 A.D. (then known as Tabarhindh). In 1008 A.D., tributary of King Anandapal of Delhi.Invaded by Mahmud.Had issue five sons: (i) DOOSAJ(ii) SINGH(iii) BAPIRAO(iv) ANKHO(v) MALPASAO
*XXV. Rawal DOOSAJI King of Laudorva (Rajasthan) Ruled 1044-1123 A.D. Had issue:
*XXVI. Rawal BIJAIRAJ IIRuled 1123-1148 A.D.Had issue two sons:(i) JAISAL(ii) VIJAYRAJ ( Lanjha )
*XXVII. Maharawal JAISAL JIRuled 1153-1168 A.D.Founded the Golden City of Jaisalmer in 1156 A.D., fulfilling the prophecy of Lord Krishna, the head of Yadav Clan, who foretold Arjuna that his descendent would build his kingdom atop the Trikuta Hill. He was later driven from his kingdom by a rebellion and wandered northwards to settle near Hissar.Had issue four sons: (i) Rawal SALVAHAN II Coronated in 1168 A.D. JAISALMER STATE (Bhatti ) Throne usurped by his son Bijil (ii) Rawal KALHAN Coronated in 1190(iii) RAI HEMHAL (Hemraj)(iv) PEM
*XXVIII. RAI HEMHAL ( Hemraj )Born 1150 A.D.Sacked Hisar in 1180. Supported Mohammed of Ghor when he invaded India. Sacked and overran the country up to Delhi, but was repulsed by Altamash.Subsequently, in 1212, made Governor of Sirsa & Bhatinda country by Shams-Ud-Din Altamash, the third Tartar King of Delhi. Ousted the Panwar Rajputs from the area of Muktsar. Died 1219 A.D
*XXIX. JAIDRATH ( Jandra ) Had issue twenty one sons; Batera being the eldest.
*XXX. PATE RAO ( Batera ) Had issue:
*XXXI. MANGAL RAO ( Manjalrab ) Having rebelled against the Mohammedan Sovereign of Delhi,was beheaded at Jaisalmer.
*XXXIII. KHIWA RAI ( Kot ) Built Khiva Khota. Sank to the status of a Jat by contracting marriage with Rajo,a Saräo-Basehrälady from Neli Dulkot of ordinary class. Had issue:
*XXXIV. SIDHUBorn 1250. Also ancestor of Sidhu Jats. Fell into poverty and obscurity.Had issue four sons: (i) DHAR ( Debi ) Kaithal Jhumba Arnauli Sadhowal (ii) BHUR (iii) SUR(iv) RUPACH
*XXXV. BHUR Had issue:
*XXXVI. BIRHad issue two sons : (i) SIDTILKARA became an ascetic.(ii) SATRACH ( Satra )
*XXXVII. SATRACH ( Satra )Had issue two sons:(i) JERTHA(ii) LAKUMBA . LAKUMBA had one son HARI who is the ancestor of Attari & Harike families.
*XXXVIII. JERTHA ( Charta )Had issue:
*XXXIX. MAHI ( Maho ) Had issue:
*XL. KALA ( Gala ) Had issue:
*XLI. MEHRA Had issue:
*XLII. HAMBIR ( Hamira ) Had issue:
*XLIII. RAO BARARA known marauder and warrior. Also ancestor of Brar Jats. Regained Bathinda after defeating the Bhattis. He also rebelled against the Delhi government.Made Bidowali in Bathinda his stronghold. He and his men attacked Timur near Tohana during Timur's terrible raid on Northern India in 1398 A.D. resulting in heavy losses. [Census Report for the Punjab, 1883, by the late Sir Denzil Ibbetson, K.C.S.I., and 1892, by Sir Edward Maclagan, K.C.I.F, C.S.I.] Died 1415 in Bidowali.Had two sons:(i) PAUR(ii) DHUL ancestor of Faridkot Royal family
*XLIV. PAUR Had issue:
*XLV. BAIRATH ( Bairi ) Had issue:
*XLVI. KAYEN ( Kao ) Had issue three sons:(i) BAHO(ii) MEHNA(iii) KILJA
*XLVII. BAHOHad issue:
*XLVIII. SANGHAR Entered the service of Emperor Babar with his followers. Killed on 21 April 1526 in Battle of Panipat , when Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodhi. Had issue:
*XLIX. Ch.BARIYAM ( Beeram ) Granted the title of Chaudhary by Emperor Babar in 1526 and Chaudhriyat of the waste country south-west of Delhi which was reconfirmed by Emperor Humāyūn in 1554.Helped Humāyūñ in his final victory against Sikandar Shāh Sur in 1555.Fell fighting the Mohammedan Bhattis, their traditional foes along with Suttoh,his grandson and only son of Mehraj. Died 1560 A.D.Had issue two sons: (i) Ch. MEHRAJ ( Maharaj ) (ii) GERAJ
*L. Ch. MEHRAJ ( Maharaj )Succeeded his father Bariyam as Chaudhary & engaged in warfare with the Bhattis.Had issue:
*LI. Ch. SUTTOH ( Satu )Died 1560. Had issue three sons: (i) Ch.PUKKOH ( Pakhu )(ii) LUKHA (iii) CHAHA
*LII. Ch.PUKKOH ( Pakhu )Killed fighting at Bhidowal.Had issue two sons: (i) Ch. MOHAN (ii) HABBAL
*LIII. Ch. MOHAN Fell into arrears with the Government & compelled to flee to Hansi and Hisar . Returned with a considerable force and defeated the Bhattis at Bhidowal.Founded Mehraj on the advice of Sixth Guru Hargobind naming it after his great-grandfather. Killed along with his son Rup Chand in a skirmish with Bhattis in 1618 A.D. [Phulkian States Gazetteer] Had issue two sons:(i) Ch. RUP CHAND(ii) Ch. KALA
*LIV. Ch. RUP CHAND Died 1618. Killed by the Bhattis.Had issue two sons:(i) PHOOL(ii) SANDALIKala succeeded to the Chaudriyat after the death of his brother and becamethe guardian of his two sons Phool & Sandali.
*LV. Ch. PHOOL1603-1652 Fought for Sixth Guru Hargobind against Mohammedan Delhi Sovereign in War of Gurusar 1635 A.D. & emerged victorious. The Guru blessed Phool and is said to have told him that he would make a King. The Guru Har Rai also blessed him and proclaimed that his descendants shall rule the entire area between the Yamuna and Sutlej.

Founded Rampura Phul in 1627 (now in Distt.Bhatinda). [J.H.Gorden ; Advance Study in the History of Modern India pp.351 By G.S. Chhabra] He was often in conflict with local chiefs which enraged the Governor of Sirhind who summoned him and put him behind bars.Received royal firman from Emperor Shah Jahan and Prophecy of Guru was to be fulfilled. Killed by accident after feigning death in funeral pyre to escape imprisonment in 1652 A.D. Had issue six sons: (i) Ch.TILOKA Died 1705. Ancestor of Nabha, Jind & Badrukhan. (ii) Ch.RAMA Died 1714. Ancestor of Bhadaur, Patiala ,Malaudh & Kot Duna.

(iii) RUGHU Ancestor of Laudgarhias

(iv) CHANNU (v) JHANDU (vi) TAKHT MAL Gumti Jagirdars

Appellation of dynastyPhoolkianis derived from their common founder Phool whose descendants were the great ruling & feudal families known as Phoolkian Chiefs who used Phoolkian from Phool, as their eponym. [Punjab Chiefs pp.429-436]
*LVI. Ch.RAMA Successfully raided the Bhattis and others including Hassan Khan & Muslim chief of Kot. Captured Kot and Bhatîân. Obtained the intendancy of the Jangal tract from Mohameddan Governor of Sirhind. Choudhary Ram Singh founded Bhai Rupa in 1680 and built Rampur. Rama & Tiloka were baptized with "Khande da amrit" at the hands of the Tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh at Damdama Sahib.Guru Gobind Singh in a self written Hukamnama addressed to the two sons of Phool, Rama & Tiloka on 2nd August, 1696 called upon them for help in his fight with the Hill Rajas proclaiming “ "tera ghar mera asey" .” Rama & Tiloka later helped Bandā Singh Bahādur with men and money in his early exploits (1710-16)Rama was killed at Maler Kotla in 1714.Married Sabi daughter of Bhuttar zamindar of Nanun who bore him six sons:
* (i) Chaudhuri DUNNA 1676-1726 . Educ. privately. Granted Shahnaki in jagir. Founded Kot Duna. Appointed as Imperial Chaudhary of Sangrur, Dhanaula, Bhadaur, Hadaya, and other districts. Ancestor of the Bhadaur and Kot Duna families. He died at Bhadaur, 1726, having had issue, five sons.

* (ii) SUBBAH of Dhabali. Born 1679. Married Begi Kaur. He died 1729, having had issue, one son.
* (iii) H.H. Sri Raja-i-Rajgan, Maharaja ALA , Mahendra Bahadur, Yadu Vansha Vatans Bhatti Kul Bushan, Maharaja of Patiala. 1691-1765 . Ancestor of Patiala family. In a fight against the powerful Mahomeddan Chief of Kot and Jagraon, aided by the Afghans of Maler Kotla and the Imperial Faujdar of the Jullundur Doab, Ala Singh gained a brilliant victory, which spread his fame far and wide. He entered into friendly relations with Ahmad Shah Abdali who overran Punjab defeating the Marathas. Abdali presented Ala a robe of honour and conferred upon him the title of Raja.
* (iv) BAKHTA 1683-1757 . Founded Kotla Koura. m. a lady from the Man Jat clan. Ancestor of Malaudh family.Had issue, one son: Sardar Man Singh, of Malaudh. Born 1725. Conquered Malaudh from Maler Kotla Afghans in 1754 A.D. [Gazetteer of the Ludhiana District (1888-9) pp.106-108] He died 1778, having had issue, two sons:
# Sardar Dalel Singh, of Malaudh. Born 1761, educ. privately. Forced to share a third of his estate with his brother, following the intervention of the Sardar of Bhadaur and the Maharaja of Patiala. Assisted the British during the Anglo-Nepalese War in 1815. A religious minded ascetic, he only employed fakirs and mahants in his service, and outlawed hunting on his estates. In 1806, Maharaja Ranjit Singh , passing through the country, summoned the Sardar Dalel Singh . On his refusal to come as he was engaged in prayers & devotion, Ranjit Singh was incensed and seized his eldest son Fateh Singh making him carry a heavy load for a long distance releasing him only when the Sardar had paid him Rs. 22,000 as fine or harrzana. [The Rajas of Panjab pp.274 Sir Lepel Griffin] He died 1824, having had issue, three sons. [Punjab Rajas Griffin pp.546-548]
# Sardar Bagh Singh of Ber. Born 1770. He died 1820, having had issue, two sons.

* (v) Mian BUDDHA. He d.s.p. 1714.

* (vi) Mian RAM SINGH LADDHA. Blessed as Ram Singh by Guru Gobind Singh in 1707. He died 1742, having had issue, one son.

ons of Phool

Phool left six sons, of whom Tiloka was the eldest, and from him are descended the families of Jind and Nabha. [Latif, S.M., History of the Punjab] From Rama, the second son, sprang the greatest of the Phoolkian houses, that of Patiala besides Bhadaur,Kot duna and Malaudh . [A collection of treaties, engagements, and sunnuds, relating to India By India Foreign and Political Dept, Charles pp.274] In 1627 Phool founded and gave his name to a village which was an important town in the State of Nabha. His two eldest sons founded Bhai Rupa while Rama also built Rampur. The last named successfully raided the Bhattis and other enemies of his line. He then obtained from the Muhammadan governor of Sirhind the intendancy of the Jangal tract. The other four sons succeeded to only a small share of their father's possessions.Rughu laid foundation stone of Village Bangi Rughu near Talwandi Sabo in district bathinda

Phoolkian States

The Phoolkia Sardars had always been on the right side of the Mughal government in Delhi. Patiala, Jind, and Nabha [Merriam-Webster's Geographical Dictionary By Inc Merriam-Webster pp.929] received royal titles from the declining Mughal power. They came under the loose domination of the new military machine of Mahadji Sindhia and later under the British who took Delhi in 1803. Phulkian Sardars approached the British Government for seeking protection against the rising power of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Although Ranjit Singh was very moderate towards the Phulkian Rajas, in due course, with the rising power of Ranjit Singh, they became suspicious of his designs and hence sought British protection. Accordingly, the leaders of the Cis-Satluj Sikh states including the rulers of Patiala, Nabha and Jind decided in a conclave to send a deputation to the British Resident in Delhi, Mr. Seton. They presented their memorandum to the British Resident on 1 April 1809 and pledged their loyalty to every succeeding power in Delhi and formally sought protection of the British. The British were very glad to entertain their offer and accordingly they signed the Treaty of Amritsar on 25 April 1809 with Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The Maharaja agreed not to carry out his military exploits in the Cis-Satluj territories. [GAZETTEER SANGRUR Chapter II History British Period (First Edition 1980)] Under the British Empire, Honours or Rewards bestowed on the Native Princes of India, [Extracts of Correspondence Lord Lyveden 1860 (77)] grants were made to the Maharaja of Patiala and the Rajas of Jind and Nabha consisting of, first, a Sunnud from the Governor General confirming to him and his heirs forever his possessions and all the privileges attached to them and secondly, the recognition of his right, in failure of direct heirs,to adopt a successor from the Phoolka family. [Annals of British Legislation: a Classified and Analysed Summary...Leone Levi] This right of adoption was granted to the Chiefs of Patiala, Jind, and Nabha in 1860, together with the further concession that, in the event of the Chief of any one State dying without male issue and without adopting a successor, the chiefs of the other two, in concert with the Political Agent, could choose a successor from among the Phoolkian family. Succession in those cases was subject to the payment to the British Government of a nazarana or fine equal to one-third of the gross revenue of the State. The Political Agent for the Phoolkian States and Bahawalpur was at Patiala. [Phulkian States Gazetteer]

Eleven of the descendants of Phool of the Phoolkian family in the Cis-Sutlej States who had Rank, Position and were entitled seats to attend the Durbars of the Viceroy 1864-1885 were:
# Maharaja Mahindar Singh, Pattiala;
# Raja Raghbir Singh, Jhind;
# Raja Bhagwan Singh, Nabha;
# Sirdar Attar Singh, Bhadour;
# Sirdar Kehr Singh , Bhadour;
# Sirdar Achhal Singh, Bhadour;
# Sirdar Uttam Singh Rampuria, Malaud;
# Sirdar Mit Singh, Malaudh;
# Sirdar Hakikat Singh,Ber, Malaud;
# Sirdar Diwan Singh and
# Sirdar Hira Singh, Badrukhan. The Bhadour Chiefs sat in Durbar as feudatories of Pattiala; the Badrukhan Chiefs of Jhind, and the Malaudh Sirdars as British Jagirdar Chiefs. [Rajas of the Punjab Sir Lepel H Griffin]


External links

* [ Genealogy of Phoolkian Family]

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