- Taipei Metro EMU301
Infobox EMU
name = Taipei Metro EMU301
imagesize = 300px
caption = A Taipei Metro C301 on theDanshui Line .
Manufacturer = Union Rail Car Partnership
1992 - 1993
Operator = Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation
Formation = 2 x 3-cars per trainset
Built = 22 trainset
LinesServed = All heavy-capacityTaipei Metro lines
InService = 1996 - Current
CarLength = convert|23.5|m|abbr=on
CarWidth = convert|3.2|m|abbr=on
CarHeight = convert|3.6|m|abbr=on
Weight = 39.5 t (DM1/M2)
34 t (T)
Capacity = 1914 passengers
MaxSpeed = Design: convert|90|km/h|abbr=on
Service: convert|80|km/h|abbr=on
Gauge = RailGauge|sg|al=on
Traction = GTO-VVVF
Voltage = 750 V DC3rd rail The Taipei Metro EMU301 cars are the first
electric multiple unit s to operate on the heavy-capacity lines of theTaipei Rapid Transit System when it began operations in 1996. A total of 22 trainsets were built in 1992 to 1993 by the Union Rail Car Partnership, aJapan ese-backed consortium in America, at a cost ofUS$ 170 million. [http://www.khi.co.jp/sharyo/since_final/since_1992_2.html 川崎重工業時代1969年(昭和44年)] ,Kawasaki Heavy Industries , retrieved6 April 2008 ja] [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=950DE1DF1131F934A25752C0A96E948260 Rail Car Plant In Yonkers Seeks $1 Billion Contract] ,The New York Times , James Feron,17 January 1988 ] [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1215/is_n10_v193/ai_12784301 Yonkers plant produces first Taipei cars - Union Rail Car Partnership gets $170 million contract - Brief Article] , Railway Age, October 1992]Production of the cars were done at the 150,000 square foot Yonkers Plant, [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1215/is_n7_v194/ai_14163242 Made in the U.S. - and Japan - Japanese-owned Union Rail Corp. assembles rail cars in the US with Japanese shells] , William C. Vantuono, Railway Age, July 1993] which was well-known as formerly owned by
Otis Elevator Company where it first builtelevator s since the company's formation, and the first elevator factory in the world. [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F01EFDE1F39F932A25751C1A964948260&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss THE REGION; Mayor of Yonkers Joins Otis Protest] ,Associated Press (The New York Times ),11 December 1982 ] The factory is now under the Union Rail Car Partnership, consisting of Kawasaki Rail Car,Nissho Iwai American, and North American Transit. They were the first cars in the Plant to be built for export, and the largest in theUnited States for over twenty years. Over half of the C301's components were made in America, as part of theBuy America requirements. The GTO-VVVF propulsion system is supplied by Westinghouse and can supply up to 200horsepower .The interior of the EMU301 contains seats in both linear and latitudinal formation. A quarter of them are designated as priority seats. Fireproofing materials allow the train to withstand any fire for up to 45 minutes. Wheelchair spaces are provided for at the start and end of the cars. LED In-train information system is installed which displays the destination and line colour on the exterior, train announcements and next station information in the interior.
Trainset 013/014 was formerly split and modified to serve as 3-car formations to serve on the Xinbeitou Branch Line. When new EMU371 built in specialised 3-car formations were delievered to Taipei Metro, trainset 013/014 was subsequently rejoined and put back into normal service on the other lines.
External links
* [http://www.khi.co.jp/sharyo/pro_final/pro_c301_e.html Kawasaki Heavy industries Products Info]
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