David Rosenhan

David Rosenhan

David L. Rosenhan is an American psychologist. He is best known for the Rosenhan experiment.

Rosenhan received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Yeshiva University. At Columbia University in 1953 he earned his master's degree, and five years later his Ph.D in psychology.

Along with Seligman (1989), Rosenhan believed that there are seven main features of abnormality: Suffering; maladaptiveness; vividness and unconventionality; unpredictability and loss of control; irrationality and incomprehensibility; observer discomfort; and violation of moral and ideal standards.

A psychologist by training, David Rosenhan is a leading expert on psychology and the law. He is a pioneer in the application of psychological methods to the practice of trial law process, including jury selection and jury consultation. Professor Rosenhan is the author of one of the most widely read articles in the field of psychology, “On Being Sane in Insane Places.” He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and has been a visiting fellow at Wolfson College at Oxford University. Before joining the Stanford Law School faculty in 1970, he was a member of the faculties of Swarthmore College, Princeton University, and Haverford College. He has also been a research psychologist at Educational Testing Service and a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania.

Professor Rosenhan holds a joint appointment with the Stanford University Department of Psychology.[1]


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