Horace Edgar Herring

Horace Edgar Herring

Horace Edgar Herring (1884 - 1962) was a New Zealand Member of Parliament for Mid-Canterbury.

Member of Parliament

Horace Herring represented the Mid-Canterbury electorate between 1935 and 1938 (Wood, p.92 & Wilson, p.205).

He was a supporter of John A. Lee and stood as a Democratic Labour Party candidate at the Christchurch East by-election in 1943 which was won by Mabel Howard. Horace Herring received a very creditable 2,578 votes, 26.7% of the total cast (Taylor, p.165). Ormond Wilson, a Labour MP, described Herring as "a character only Dickens could have invented" (Wilson, p.72. See also Logan, p.50 for a description of his Maiden Speech in Parliament).

Herring was awarded the Coronation Medal in 1937 for services to New Zealand.

He was Mayor of Levin from 1953 to 1956.

Further reading

* "The Expulsion of John A. Lee and its Effects on the Development of the Labour Party" by B.S. Taylor (1970, MA Thesis-University of Canterbury, Christchurch)
* "An Outsider Looks Back" by Ormond Wilson (1982, Port Nicholson Press, 1982)
* "Nordy, Arnold Nordmeyer: A Political Biography" by Mary Logan (2008, Steele Roberts, Wellington)
* "The New Zealand Parliamentary Record: 1840-1984" by J.O. Wilson (1985, Government Printer, Wellington)
* "Ministers and Members in the New Zealand Parliament" Edited by G.A. Wood (1996, Otago University Press, Dunedin)

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