- Tithonian
The Tithonian is the final stage of the
Late Jurassic Epoch. It spans the time between 150.8 ± 4 Ma and 145.5 ± 4 Ma (million years ago). It is followed by theBerriasian stage of theEarly Cretaceous Epoch.The name is unusual in geological stage names because it is derived from
Greek mythology .Tithonus was the son ofLaomedon ofTroy . He fell in love withEos , the Greek goddess ofdawn and finds his place in thestratigraphy because this stage, the Tithonian, finds itself hand in hand with the dawn of theCretaceous .Vertebrate Fauna
Invertebrate Fauna
* [http://www.stratigraphy.org/geowhen/stages/Tithonian.html GeoWhen Database - Tithonian]
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