- Sitembele Tobela Mzamane
Sitembele Tobela Mzamane [ [http://www.anglicancommunion.org/tour/diocese.cfm?Idind=526 Contact details] ] is the current
Anglican Bishop of Mthatha [ [http://www.realfact.net/Umtata.article00000181.html Facts about area] ] , and although the firstBishop to bear that title he is the "10th" incumbent-theBishopric previously being known as St John's [ [http://www.anglican.co.za/Archives/2006-07-09.pdf News of re-naming] ] . A former Dean of the Diocese’scathedral [ [http://www.stjohnscathedral.org.za/history.php 1990-2000] ] he is opposed to the blessing of same-sex relationships [ [http://geoconger.wordpress.com/2007/08/29/no-same-sex-blessings-for-south-african-church-cen-83107-p-4/ Same-sex blessings ban] ] . During hisepiscopacy the number of parishes has grown so greatly [ [http://www.aberdeen.anglican.org/visit%20to%20south%20africa.htm To 69] ] that Dr Mzamane has drafted plans to split the area with a newEpiscopal See centred around Ngcobo.Notes
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