Gliese 176 b

Gliese 176 b

Planetbox begin
name=Gliese 176 b
Planetbox star
star=Gliese 176
Planetbox orbit
semimajor=0.066cite arXiv | author=T. Forveille "et al." | title=The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets : XIV. Gl 176b, a super-Earth rather than a Neptune, and at a different period |year=2008 |eprint=0809.0750v1 |class=astro-ph |journal=Astronomy & Astrophysics]
Planetbox character
Planetbox discovery
discovery_date=September 7, 2007
discovery_method=radial velocity
discoverers=Endl, Forveille "et al."

Gliese 176 b is a super-Earth exoplanet approximately 31 light years away in the constellation of Taurus. This planet orbits very close to its parent red dwarf star Gliese 176 (also called "HD 285968").

The initial announcement confused the planetary periodicity with the stellar periodicity of 40 days, thus giving a 10.24 day period for a 25 Earth-mass planet. [cite journal | url= | title=An m.sin i = 24 Earth Mass Planetary Companion to the Nearby M Dwarf GJ 176 |journal=Astrophysical Journal| volume=673 |page=1165-8 |doi=10.1086/524703 | author=Endl "et al." |year=2008 |month=February] Subsequent readings filtered out the star's rotation, giving a more accurate reading of the planet's orbit and minimum mass.

The planet orbits inside the inner magnetosphere of its star. The proposed temperature of 450 K is a "thermal equilibrium" temperature.

It is projected to be dominated by a rocky core, but if the inclination is non-trivial it might be more massive and attract a gas envelope like Uranus or Gliese 436 b.


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