- Point of equilibrium (genitals)
foreskin restoration , the point of equilibrium (or POE) is a point (actually a line around thepenis ) where tension toward the glans and toward the base is equal whenT-Tape draws theskin forward.Finding the POE
One physically holds the skin and feels for the POE, then one marks with a marker or crayon before applying tape. Locating this point is an essential step in using the T-Tape method. [ [http://foreskinrestorationchat.info/wheretostart.html How To Start Restoring Your Foreskin ] ] In some cases, it may not be a straight line, but may be uneven or coincide with the scar. [http://www.restoremaine.freeservers.com/t_tape/Page6.htm#Equilibrium]
With restoration devices that do not use tape, often the gripping surfaces will tend toward the POE automatically as the device is applied. Manual methods of foreskin restoration also focus on the point of equilibrium. [ [http://foreskinrestorationchat.info/manualtugging.html Foreskin Restoration Chat Manual Restoration Method and Guide ] ]
Other definitions
Before the introduction of T-Tape, the term "point of equilibrium" was described in "The Joy of Uncircumcising" as the point at which a restorer had grown enough skin that merely taping it forward over the glans no longer provided sufficient tension for skin expansion (Bigelow 1992:168).
External links
* [http://www.geocities.com/qbman2001/poevid.htm QBMan's POE Video] Video instructions on how to locate the POE
* [http://www.iomfats.org/resources/restoring/media/restoring_faq.pdf Frequently Asked Questions] Foreskin restoration FAQ explaining the POE
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